Friday 23 August 2024

Five Powerful Communication skills to Effectively Manage and Nurture Relationships

Every relationship, even with someone we've just met, begins with how we communicate.  

Communication is the foundation of any relationship, reflecting the depth of our concern, joy, or other inner feelings toward the other person. Clear, affectionate, understanding, and honest communication strengthens bonds, potentially lasting a lifetime. In some friendships, there's a unique way of expressing wishes that deeply resonates with us, affirming the connection.  

Others may communicate in a straightforward manner, signifying a relationship of convenience rather than depth. The way we communicate reveals how much we value the relationship—if we truly care, it will be evident in our words; if not, our communication will be limited to what is necessary.  

Your relationship begins with your intent and your words. The right words can heal like a balm or cut like a knife. Your words matter.  

Here are five powerful communication skills to effectively manage and nurture relationships:  

1. Active Listening  

• Description:  

Active listening involves fully concentrating, understanding, and responding to what the other person is saying. It’s not just about hearing words, but also picking up on emotions, body language, and underlying messages.  

• Benefit:  

It shows that you value the other person's perspective, builds trust, and strengthens emotional bonds.  

2. Empathy  

• Description: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It's about putting yourself in the other person's shoes and genuinely caring about their experience.  

• Benefit: Empathy fosters deeper connections, reduces conflicts, and helps in resolving issues with compassion and understanding.  

3. Clear and Concise Expression  

•Description: Being clear and concise means communicating your thoughts and feelings in a straightforward manner, avoiding ambiguity or unnecessary details.  

• Benefit: It minimizes misunderstandings and ensures that your message is received and understood as intended.  

4. Nonverbal Communication  

• Description: Nonverbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and tone of voice. It often conveys more than words and can reinforce or contradict what you are saying.  

• Benefit: Mastering nonverbal cues enhances your ability to communicate effectively, making your interactions more engaging and trustworthy.  

5. Constructive Feedback  

• Description: Constructive feedback involves offering guidance or criticism in a positive and helpful manner, focusing on behavior rather than personality, and aiming for improvement rather than fault-finding.  

• Benefit: It encourages growth and development in relationships, fosters mutual respect, and helps resolve issues without causing resentment.  

These skills are crucial for managing relationships effectively, ensuring that your communication not only conveys your message but also strengthens your connections.

Saturday 15 January 2022

I am Responsible for what i say. I am not responsible for what you understand.

Being able to communicate clearly and articulately is much more than an art, it's sometimes a way of Life for some. 

But between what one says & what one understands, is a chasm that needs to be crossed. 

You often hear people say, Are we ask on the same page!! That is know for sure that,  what one says & what the recipient understands are the same. 

Very often, the way things are said ruin relationships, can be the cause for a great deal of mental pain and agony. Always, Stop, Think and then Speak. The trouble with words is that once we say it, the damage is done, and then we try to take it back, apologise, but we have burned our bridge in the process. 

So always be sure that what you say, is what you mean, and what they understand. Countries have gone to war over words not clearly understood by each other. 

The words you utter are very precious pearls, give them away very carefully only to the people that really need it.  Be Responsible for the words, that you say, & say it responsibly w/o doubt.

Everyone has gone through something that has changed in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.

We all have certain characteristics, that just one change in our Life, & Life is changed Forever. For me, it was probably the passing of my Father. That day, is engraved in my mind, the last smile of him while lying in that ICU bed. 

That day when I look back, took the wind out of my sails, & never to return again. Loosing a Father, a guiding light, a mentor, a figure like no other really brings your walls crumbling down for sure in everyway possible. But it was in our weakest and most fragile moments that you see the Hand of God working, touching and holding you through it all. 

It's His hand that never lets go, that is always there to comfort and strengthen you, despite the dark clouds of death and despair. 

But with God by your side, you come out stronger, more resilient, and with a better understanding of God's Love for you. All of us have had our own journeys, our own turning points, the point where you really understand Your very purpose, you look back at Life & truly understand it's very essence.

What needs to be done when making decision?

Life is filled with hard choices, we learn to cope with them everyday, gain experience but learn to take that tough call. Those decisions sometimes pin us to wall and make us make a clear call. 

Almost, like flipping a coin, often it is heads or tails, and we know that, but when that coin is in the air, we make our choice, and we hope like hell, it's what we want. 

We make those choices in the hope that they will be the right decision, and they will be good for us. We go with our gut feeling, our intuition, what we feel in the back of our mind. But knowing full well, that maybe our decision could go wrong and it will be something that we regret. But Life isn't about regrets, we have all made our fair share of bad decisions, but we move on from there, and hope that Life will give us a second chance further down the road. 

In between the  heads and tails, and that hard decision, we have made our choice in our mind. We say it's chance but actually, when push becomes shove, we have already taken sides, decided what we want, or taken a definite call. 

If what you are holding onto in your mind, is what you desire, Go with it. That's your intuition at work. So believe in yourself, and trust yourself. No one can ever take that hard decision, that you need to take. What you hope for is what you desire, so go with it.


Each day is a Miracle in our Life. That we are here to see another day, is Gods miracle in our Life. 

The miracles never cease till we come back home safe at night. It is in our most trying moments in our Life when we reach the end of the road, & we cry to God in our agony. That is when our Tears are replaced with Prayers. 

Prayers for forgiveness, self worth, patience, love, happiness etc. But the turning point is when we get on our knees in Prayer that those tears fade away. 

There is a calm that covers us. It is also when our Greatest fears need to be tested to see where we stand with our Faith. You will be tested, & tried beyond measure, but holding fast is when you know your Faith is stronger than anything else. 

When you come to God in Prayer and Faith, you need nothing else to comfort or strengthen you. All you need is by your side, they will always be there, through the worst  & best times. 

They will never leave you & be your guide as long as you shall live. Believe in the Miracle of God in Faith

Best Graduation degree in life is B.Calm

We all have different levels of Education, some bachelor's, masters or even a doctorate degree. 

But one thing that we all need to master is how to B. Calm. Calmness comes from an inner strength, and from a great degree of Self  Control. 

This degree that you possess comes into full display at a moment of crisis, when you are unable to control the situation or even the outcome. 

Most of us go ballistic and lash out in every direction, & to everyone around or nearby. And when we do there is always a lot of collateral damage in the process, most often our friends & loved ones. 

Staying calm doesn't mean you have lost control but more that you are in control, your accessing the situation, & You will do what is needed to resolve the situation to the best extent possible. 

Many of us graduate this degree by the skin of our teeth and many with flying colours. Many over a period of time get more & more in control, with experience. 

Learn from the past to be able to control the outcome of the future but B, Calm.

A Blood Donor Saved My life. His Name is JESUS CHRIST!


This picture has really nailed it, in its very pictorial example, &  in its simplicity takes the cake. 

Blood is probably the very essence of our very being. Without it, we are Nothing, with it we are Everything. We are alive, we are complete in every single way. 

There is nothing more that is required than His Blood. And to know & to believe the very fact, that He gave His Blood for me, is all the more endearing. 

Unworthy as we are, we come to Him, with all our faults, and all the baggage that we come with. But He accepts is as we are, fills us with Life anew, & saves us, when we don't think anything can save us. 

Protects us when we are vulnerable, give us strength when we are weak. Gives us wisdom beyond our wildest dreams. He completes us in every possible way, & makes us a new creation. What greater message is there that one can receive, hear and follow. 

How many times had this very same Blood of His, saved, protected, healed us, much more than we can ever imagine. His Blood is enough for Me.

Five Powerful Communication skills to Effectively Manage and Nurture Relationships

Every relationship, even with someone we've just met, begins with how we communicate.   Communication is the foundation of any ...