
Showing posts from October, 2014

God has no Limit: Allow Him to work till he is done with you

Moody had no more than a 5th-6th grade education and did poorly even at that. When he attended his first Sunday School class, he thumbed through Genesis looking for John. When applying to join Mt. Vernon Congregational Church, he was rejected because of his utter ignorance of Christian teaching. His friends thought that seldom was anyone seen more unlikely to fill any sphere of public or extended usefulness. But God can take what seems small and insignificant and use it greatly, if it is given over completely to Him. Dwight L. Moody At the age of 17, Dwight L. Moody left his poor widowed mother's farm to set out on his own in the big city of Boston, where he began working in his uncle's shoe store as a clerk. The year was 1854. Then one day, the most significant event that ever happened in his entire life took place: Edward Kimball, a dedicated Christian who had met young Dwight when he first came to the city, felt that he needed to witness to him and tell h...

What Have You Done With Your Life?

IT'S A GOOD QUESTION TO ASK YOURSELF AT THE END OF EACH DAY: "WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH MY LIFE THIS DAY? WHAT DID I DO FOR JESUS?" It's good to reflect on these things and assess these values as to whether you are obeying the Lord and pleasing Him, that He might say of you for that day, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant! Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!"--In peaceful, contented sleep, thankful and satisfied that you have done your best and you can rest in peace. THIS IS VERY MUCH THE SAME ATTITUDE WHICH WE OLDER FOLKS OFTEN HAVE AS WE APPROACH THE END OF LIFE'S DAY. We think back over our lives and we remember our deeds and our words and our actions and we wonder if we have done our best for Jesus. Has it truly been His life lived for Him, by His power and His strength and His guidance in His Will, having the fruits of His Spirit and the fruits of His Word--souls born into the Kingdom of God forever? IT WAS A STRANGE a...

Did God really Make a Mistake?

"Didn't You care what people thought about You and Your followers, Jesus? Did you have to be such a drop-out, and pick such a motley crew of ne'er-do-wells -- including some of the town's worst harlots and radicals ?" Did God make a mistake by putting Adam and Eve in the Garden where they wound up making their own choice--the wrong one? (See Genesis 3:6.) Did God have to confess failure by the Flood, in that He had to wipe out all Mankind for its wickedness? (See Genesis 6:5-7.) Was the Tower of Babel a total disaster, and was the confusion of tongues a catastrophe? Or was it necessary to accomplish God's purpose to humble and scatter Man over the face of the Earth? (See Genesis 11:1-9.) Was it a mistake when Moses killed an Egyptian and had to flee for his life, and ended up living for forty years in the wilderness learning to be a humble shepherd tending sheep? (See Exodus 2.) Wasn't that a te...

All things Change, But Jesus Never!

A short discourse on the principles of change and the decay of man's society, economics, politics and religious system. It shows how there must be a continual birth, life, death, and resurrection cycle in this life, and only the unchangeable eternity of the government of the Kingdom of God will last forever ! Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same!-- All things change, but Jesus never, Glory to His Name! CHANGES IN MAN'S SOCIETY ALWAYS COME FROM THE BOTTOM, NOT THE TOP--changes in economics, politics, or religion, or the earth--because the top does not want to change; it always wants to be on the top. But if they try to seal the pot to preserve the status quo, they cannot, and the pot will explode and destroy because of the fire. There must be this continual change; otherwise there would be stagnation. There must be this constant circulation or there would be total stagnation and corruption, because that which is at the top is the first to fe...

How to Fight Devil and be Victorious?

Once we are "born again" (John 3:3), we not only find a wonderful new life of love, peace and happiness, we also find ourselves in a WAR!--A war of the Worlds between the World of evil and the Kingdom of God! In the old World War I trench warfare, it wasn't until you came out of your trench and started attacking the enemy's territory, that he would really open up and let you have it with all of his big guns! Now that you're saved, as far as the Devil is concerned, YOU have "gone over the top", & he will do all he can to oppose and stop you! You are now a Christian soldier in GOD'S Army, and a potential threat to hundreds or thousands of others of the Devil's captives! He knows that you now belong to JESUS forever and that he can never get you back, so since he can't STOP you from being a CHRISTIAN, the next best thing he tries to do is to try to stop you from being an ACTIVE Christian. He'll try to make you a DEAD Chri...

The Big Lie Exposed

Forward: Did you know that the teaching of Evolution is linked to racism ? If you don't believe it, please know that the full title of Charles Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" is, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life " Reference: Evolution is also the cornerstone for Communism and Nazism and the justification of such evils as genocide . Hitler said in "Mein Kampf" that if you tell a lie for the purpose of propaganda, tell a big one! Because the bigger the lie is, the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth! So the Devil was smart with Evolution. He told the big lie: "In the beginning, God didn't create the Heavens and the Earth; it just happened by some kind of a big accident, forces...