
Showing posts from January, 2015

What does Jesus Require of You?

INTRODUCTION 1. In Mic 6:6-8 , the prophet Micah raises and answers a question... a. What does the Lord require of you? b. To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God 2. In this lesson, I would like to rephrase and answer the question... a. What does Jesus require of you? b. Letting the words of Jesus Himself to answer [Beginning with Jesus’ words in Lk 24:46-4 7, one can rightly say that Jesus requires you...] I. TO REPENT OF SIN A. THE COMMAND TO REPENT OF SIN... 1. Was proclaimed by Jesus during His ministry - Mt 4:17 ; Lk 13:3 , 5 2. Was preached by His apostles as they fulfilled His commission - Ac 3:19 ; 17:30-31 -- Jesus clearly requires people to repent! B. WHAT IT MEANS TO REPENT... 1. Repent: primarily, to change one’s mind - BDAG 2. To change one’s way of life as the result of a complete change of thought and attitude with regard to sin and righteousness -...

What can kill a Church

INTRODUCTION 1. In Re 3:1 , the church at Sardis was described as a "dead" church... 2. This reveals that churches can die - and they often do... a. Where are the congregations we read of in the New Testament? b. At some point in their history, they died 3. There are at least two ways a church may die... a. It may cease to exist b. It may die inwardly, even while it still lives outwardly 4. What can kill a church? a. Are we aware of the different weapons Satan can use to destroy us? b. Are there things that threaten our very existence even now? [In this lesson, "What Can Kill A Church" , we will examine four things that can jeopardize any congregation of God's people. The first is perhaps a rather obvious one...] I. PERSECUTION A. SATAN HAS OFTEN RESORTED TO PHYSICAL PERSECUTION... 1. E.g., against the church at Smyrna - Re 2:9 , 10 2. Indeed, he did so against many churches in the first century - 1Pe ...

Should we be concerned about the Poor?

INTRODUCTION 1. The early Christians demonstrated great liberality toward the poor, especially brethren... a. The church at Jerusalem - Ac 2:44-45 ; 4:34-37 b. The church at Antioch - Ac 11:27-30 c. The churches of Macedonia - 2Co 8:1-4 2. Paul in particular was engaged in helping poor Christians... a. He was asked to remember the poor - Ga 2:9-10 b. He instructed churches on how to take up a collection - 1Co 16: 1-4 c. He accompanied such a collection to the needy saints in Jerusalem - Ro 15:25-26 -- It can truly be said that the early church did "remember the poor" 3. Today, some are more likely to revile the poor than remember them... a. If someone is poor asking for help, they are assumed to be lazy b. If inclined to help, the poor are expected to earn what they are given 4. Yet God has chosen to bless the poor... a. In the words of Jesus - Lk 6:20 b. In the words of James - Jm 2:5 [Therefore a Biblical...

The Virtue of Punctuality

INTRODUCTION 1. A longtime concern of mine has been the lack of appreciation regarding punctuality ... a. "the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time" b. "strict observance in keeping engagements, promptness; antonym: tardiness" 2. Especially as it relates to arriving on time for services of the church... a. Not the occasional lateness due to unforeseen circumstances b. But the habitual practice of being late due to a lack of concern of being on time 3. Is there a need for concern regarding the lack of punctuality...? a. Evidently not in the mind of many Christians b. Yet I believe it has an adverse effect on the spiritual growth and health of a congregation [To appreciate the basis for my concern, let's first consider some...] I. VOICES ON POSSESSING PUNCTUALITY A. SOME DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY... 1. "The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it....

The Value of the Secret prayer

INTRODUCTION 1. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus taught His disciples the value of secret prayer ... a. As opposed to prayer done to be seen of men - Mt 6:5 b. To ensure that the Father in heaven hears and responds to our prayers - Mt 6:6 2. In this study, we shall examine more fully the value of secret prayer ... a. To consider other advantages of this form of spiritual devotion b. To encourage its adoption in our daily walk with God [The value of secret prayer can be seen in that it...] I. CULTIVATES OUR SPIRITUAL NATURE A. THROUGH REGULAR EXERCISE... 1. Our bodies are developed through regular physical exercise 2. The spirit of man also benefits through regular spiritual or godly exercise - 1Ti 4:7-8 3. The practice of prayer is a form of spiritual exercise a. "Prayer is the spiritual gymnasium in which we exercise and practice godliness." - V. L. Crawford b. "...Prayer i...

Three Types of Love of the Deciple of Jesus

INTRODUCTION 1. In the Great Commission, Jesus wanted His apostles to make disciples... - Mt 28:19-20 a. A disciple is a learner, a follower, an adherent b. Jesus wants us to learn from Him - cf. Mt 11:28-30 2. What does Jesus expect of us...? a. Discipleship involves many things b. But especially that we love - cf. 2Pe 1:5-8 3. But one might ask... a. What are we to love? b. How can we best manifest our love? [In this lesson, "The Three Loves Of A Disciple" , I hope to help answer such questions. Beginning with...] I. THE THREE LOVES DEFINED A. LOVES THE LORD... 1. Jesus taught we should love God - Mt 22:37 2. His disciple John wrote that loving God must also mean loving His Son - 1Jn 5:1 3. Jesus expressed the same thought as John, but conversely - Jn 15:23 -- A disciple of Jesus is one who loves both the Father and the Son B. LOVES THE BRETHREN... 1. Jesus made this love...

Why Do we go to Church? to Seek or to Serve?

INTRODUCTION 1. Why do you go to church...? a. Some seek to be entertained b. Others seek to encounter God 2. A news article suggest many young people are interested in the latter, but are often disappointed. Some excerpts from the article: a. It's not that they don't care. In a study, 80 percent of people in their 20s said their faith is very important in their lives. Nearly 60 percent claimed to have made a commitment to Jesus Christ. Three-fourths told the Barna Research Group of Ventura, Calif., that they prayed during the past seven days." b. But in a typical week, just three out of 10 of them attend church. Only 30 percent of adults in their 20s donated something to a church during the past year; the same percentage holds for those who have read the Bible during any given week. c. "One of the trends we're noticing is people are looking for something that's real," said Charlie G...

Take Time to be Holy

INTRODUCTION 1. Our songs in worship are designed to instruct as well as praise... a. For in them we teach and admonish one another - Col 3:16 b. By them the Word of Christ can dwell in us richly - Col 3:16 2. A familiar song with an important message is "Take Time To Be Holy" ... a. Words written by W. D. Longstaff b. Music composed by George C. Stebbins -- In "Hymns For Worship", it is song #118 3. Certainly the children of God are to be holy... a. We are to be holy in our conduct - 1Pe 1:15 b. Even as our Father who calls us is holy - 1Pe 1:15-16 -- Indeed, holiness is to be pursued, for without it one will not see the Lord - He 12:14 [In this lesson, we will let the words of this song serve as the basis for our study. Note first that the song assumes...] I. THE NEED TO TAKE TIME A. THE WORLD RUSHES ON... 1. As expressed in the beginning of the second verse 2. Our lives are certainly hectic and fas...

Support your local Church

INTRODUCTION 1. The title for our lesson was adapted from that of a movie starring James Garner ( "Support Your Local Sheriff!" ) made in 1969... 2. In most congregations, there are varying degrees of commitment among the members... a. The faithful few who can always be counted on to do whatever is needed b. The fairly faithful who attend somewhat regularly, but are not as dependable c. The C&E group who attend only on Christmas, Easter, and other special days d. Then there is the FPO group (using a church for funeral purposes only) 3. Membership in the body of Christ has many blessings... a. A relationship with Jesus Christ and all that entails b. But there are also responsibilities incumbent upon the members - e.g., Ep 4:25 [What are our responsibilities as members of the body of Christ? In particular, what are our duties to one another as members of a local church? Let's first review the concept o...