What really Happened at Bethelehem?

Every year at the time of Christmas manger seen are put into place and spectacular Christmas.  Pagans are held.  The celebration of arrival of the Christ begins.  For the last 2000 years every persons who has ever heard the story knows that most of the Christmas event happened on an around Bethlehem.  But really in Bethlehem event was a conjunction of several and important events that had been years and making.  Many of those circumstance and events we seldom start to think about or even question anymore.  For example why did wise men come from the east?  And where was the east?  When was Jesus born anyway was it really December the 25th is there anything particularly significant about the day December the 25th.  Thus the bible give and even a hint has to when Jesus was actually born and who are all the wise man and why would they astronomers from the east, have been so interested in a Jewish Messiah King.  Why would they have travelled some 700miles risk in their lives and then why would they have to worship him.  And what exactly was this star that they followed.  How can a star standstill and rest of the particular place.  And why would king Herod and others not have known about the star so bright, so obvious so significant.  Why did the wise men have to explain to King Herod what the star was about was that they said to King Herod so can convinced them he desired a plot to kill the newly born Christ child.  And the next few minutes you would discover the answer to these several other significant important questions.  They answer to these questions will forever change of you of what really happened at Bethlehem on that special night some 2000 years ago prepare to be amazed and inspired prepare to have a history and the bible come alive.  Prepare to your understanding of Christmas to be deeply enriched and enhanced come how and take this journey with us.

What Really happened

At Bethlehem?


Micah 5:2

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times”.  (NIV)

Even the ancient Jewish to allow the Jerushanu that they messiah would come from Bethlehem.  We know this because when the wise man travelled to Jerusalem that is one of the things that them worried about.  They knew that the kings of the Jews had been declared they just they did not know the exact location of this place or where the child was or at the moment.  But I thought surely someone in Jerusalem they over night King Herod called together teachers of the law and the priests and the concerns among them was the Messiah has to born in Bethlehem.

Mathew chapter 2 tells like this.

Matthew 2 : 1 – 5

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of king Herod, magi from the east come to Jerusalem born king of the Jews.  We saw his star in the east and we have come to worship him”.

Matthew 2 : 1 – 5

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of king Herod, magi from the east come to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?  We saw his star in the east and we have come to worship him”.

When King Herod heard this he was disturbed and all Jerusalem with his.  When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and the teacher of the law, he asked them was the Christ was to be born.

When King Herod heard this he was disturbed and all Jerusalem with his.  When he had called together all the people’s  chief priests and the teacher of the law, he asked them were the Christ was to be born.

“In Bethlehem in Judea”, they replied, for this is what the prophet has written”. (NIV)

In Bethlehem in Judea, “they replied, for this is what the prophet has written”.

But when was Jesus born, was it really in December the  25th?

December 25th?

Was he really born on cold winter’s night even though it should decision has come to presented this way this is not with the Bible tell us.  Actually the bible gives us three very appears and strong clues has to win the birth actually took place.

First we know that is not in a winter because the bible tells us that shepherd living where in the field and sheep ping in the field at night guarding sheep as they graced.  The latitude of Israel is similar to hade of north flader in the committed states.  The weather is very similar in gulf places after sometime except that obviously is real as mountain with even lower temperature and occasion show enough cold grow at floder at night.  But the point is, there in winter there would be no green grass for the sheep to grass on and the shepherds with struggle will not be caping out and at the stars a frigid winter night.

To this very day there is one speared and the lion of Israel.  Will grass the sheep and the doors on green pastures from early spring to the very first of really fall.  Approximately April by to September.  By October sheep of insipient and of her would have has been stood up with then.  The sphere whose spend winter in home and dens.

The second clue from the scripture is that seasonal gasters a just issued to pre that the Roman Emperor was to undergo a taxation censes.  Each head of us was required to turn to the place of original and register for the Censes.  This is what brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem.  Joseph was the line of David this was David home time and thus Joseph as well.  This is what put them in Bethlehem in an event for this reason that they would there.  And for this reason the prophecy could be full filled that the Messiah was to born in Bethlehem. It is a matter of commonsense to seem that they improve with narrate issue such to create with the date of winter.  When travel would have been difficult from mist and impossible for some rather, he would have preferred the all travelled with the duecer and register for the tax.  Was after all about the money he would have issue to Greek obviously sometime during spring to the very really fall.

The third clue the bible gives us is much more exact things as for at time possibility.  It is found in the book of Luke it is found in the very first chapter, the bible tells us.  When Jesus was born, Luke chapter 1 verses 26 to 28.

Luke 1 : 26 – 28

In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David.  The virgins name was Mary.

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored!  The Lord is with you”. (NIV)

In the sixth month God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth a town in Galilee to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David.  The virgin’s name was Mary.

The Angel went to her and said, “Greetings God who is highly favored.  The Lord is with you”. (NIV)

Did you see the clue it was the sixth month when the angel appeared to Mary and announced that she was with child very shortly after that announcement Mary went to see has Elizabeth she was pregnant with John the Baptist.  Elizabeth conformed that she also knows the Mary was now pregnant through the super natural announcement God.  So the conception took place in the sixth month.  The sixth months 2000 years ago with have been our count six month of June rather the ancient Hebrew calendar started with the Passover month this was the first month.

The FIRST Month of the ancient Hebrew calendar was the pass over month…

This was approximately equivalent to our “MARCH”.


          So six month from our march would have put the and Jalact visitation and announcement at about at about our September.


Figuring from the last of March


          Remember this month of September it would be very important played role in this film.


          So of the conception was in September.

          The Announcement and conception


          Then nine months later would have with birth of June of next year.

The Birth


          We remember this month of June of a as the birth month a year two may be extremely important played in this film.  So Jesus was born sometime hear June this for the love shepherds to be in the field at night and night and thus for the love for plenty of green grass upon which the sheep could graced this would also be the ideal time for people to travel the day or night.  In orator reach the home times and register for the newly to Greek taxation censes.  An answer to your question of when Jesus was actually born as then in the bible is alone for 2000 years.


          So why is the December 25th day showing culture where did this day of celebration Originate the Roman Emperor Constantine said to be Roman’s first Christian Emperor.  To great this day as the celebration of Christ birth on December 25th 325AD.

December 25, 325 AD

          This is the first official legalistic day of the celebration for  which we have record.  It is also true that they would several pagan holidays there are lined with his time period in December that Constantine perhaps law that he would attempt to Christianized the pagan holidays by setting the birth celebration of Jesus at the same time many evangelical and Palestine’s Christians are bet for their securting   but it was also Constantine way of exercising incrusifienes with in the Roman government with in yang of Roman Catholic church.  But there is much rich reason why December 25th why would be a port day to the church.  His specially there is worshiping Jesus outside the Roman Catholic branches.  Remember the early church had distinctly Jewish rules all of the early gospels were possible exception of Luke and Jewish?

          When God from flash Heaper on Jewish flesh.  It was the Jews looking for the Messiah specifically and there was many of the Jewish that declared the Messiah had come in Jesus for the first couple of decade of the early church the scripture by result that the church not even out to the Gentiles.  It was largely Jewish; in a day reach out to the gentiles the first thing they try to do.  With these new Gentiles Christians were those forward Jewish laws the pass of power wood about this extensively.  So why he the Jewish heritage of the earlier church important because something very rich in Jewish history happened on December 25th and Jesus himself celebrate this event and the scripture he code.  That may be surprising to you, you may be wondering right now where did the scripture mention December 25th and the where did the side Jesus did something on that date.

          First in a equal to Jew to die you tell that the history of the Maccabiayan Revolt in 167 BC is sent to Jewish Rituals and celebration event to this day.  The Maccabiayan Revolt is simply pearled was the Jewish Revolt against the rules of Agens Greek Emperor.  The Jews a in around Jerusalem had and devote may had chips and the turn account of rulers and military Genus.  The temple was being newsed as horse type for the Greek military.  The Jews had finally had enough under the leadership is Agen Priests’ and his young passionate the revolt began.  The Jews of Jerusalem and arounding area join in and after bladdy war. The Jews won the battle they recapture the Jerusalem and held control the 1100 Jews.  The Greek continually fall to regain the city but never able to do so.  The city stayed in Jewish control and to a crossing the feet was handed them.  But that the young and powerful and then risen Roman Emperor in 60’ BC.  After the Jews won this revolt forever.  The first official act was to claim the temple.  They said up over lamps and celebration and commemoration of the great victory.  The Jews had been under all the rationing and polished by the Greeks and all required for the lamps was in scarce supply.  The account is that there is enough of one day, but miraculously they over burnt for eight straight four days.  They winning of the war and cleansing of the temple.  The winding up the light of God back into.  The temple and their lives that day the temple cleansing became was the December 25th.

          December 25, 164BC and thus was born the Jewish feast of that occasion or as it is said and Hebrew today “Ahnaka”.  What is this have to do with Jesus the feast of that occasion is actually mentioned once by name in the New Testament it is in the gospel of John chapter 10.  Then came the feast of

          John 10 : 22 – 24

          Then came the feast of Dedication Jerusalem.  It was winter and Jesus was in the temple area walking in Solomon’s colonnade.  The Jews fathered around him saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense?

          Dedication at Jerusalem it was winter and Jesus was in the temple area walking in Solomon’s colonnade.  The Jews gathered around him saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense?  If you are the Christ tell us finally”.

          If you are the Christ tell us plainly”.

          And we can read the verse 31.

          Again the Jews picked up stones to stones him but Jews said to them, “I have shown you money great miracles from the Father.  For which of these do you stone me?”  “We are not stoning you for any of these”, repined the Jews,  but for blasphemy.

          Again the Jews picked up stones to stones him but Jews said to them, “I have shown you money great miracles from the Father.  For which of these do you stone me?”  “We are not stoning you for any of these”, repined the Jews, but for blasphemy, because you a mere man, claim to be God”. (NIV)

          Because you, a mere man claim, to be God”. (NIV) (Screen) 

          So on this day on December 25th Jews went up to the temple and there declared that he was God with us his enemies knew what he had done and they very stunned with his words earlier as we coded in John Jesus had declared that he Jesus was the true light of the world or God.  He was the true light which had come from God.  So on December 25th Jesus declared, that he was true light of the true temple and there he was God with us.  I can’t imagined the earlier church from early Jewish with none have known the event  and the significant of this date.  This is why John specifically code date the Jesus said these lines and then like a point of telling us exactly what Jesus said on this day.  December the 25th is an entirely appropriate day on next celebrate the coming of the Christ.

On December 25th

Jesus declared :

“I am the true light”

“I am God with you” (Screen)

          The true light that has coming to the world .God with us.  Along with the months of June and September previously mentioned remember this month

September – The CONCEPTION



GOD with us came to the Temple (Screen)

As well.  December and specifically.

          December 25th and the next few months you discover shocking scientific truths about these very date about the birth of Jesus, and about what really happened in Bethlehem.

THE MAJI (Screen)

          We call them the Wiseman who are the Maji.  The Maji originated as a religious class from Baby con for portion?  They were wealthy highly.  They were weakly lightly educated in the knowledge of that time and well regarded by the people.  The English word Magic comes from the word Maji sometime in the bible word Maji is used for a magician or restorable.  The word can also be used to describe the astronomers, mathematicians, philosaher and scientists of ancient biblical times.  These Wiseman offer where employed in the services of the kings or the favors. We remember the biblical accounting of Moses’   accounted with favors Wiseman.

          We also remember from the bible that can never carried of  Israel into captarery into Babycon.  That a young man named Daniel was one of the chapters Daniel was strange in the school of Maji.  He actually went to school to learn to be amaikub’s and was literally employed with in the service of the king.  Of course the quantity that earn Daniel (distinction) with king that other Maji was Daniel was the God fearing magu’s and always get God’s glory for any wisdom that he had when Daniel was had to interpret dream Daniel narrate.  The point of telling the king that he himself had no special power to interpret the dream but God knew oftens and would reveal to Daniel.  What the dream was.  Daniel exercised his Godly wisdom and helps the king.  The king from more did him above all the other Maji.  The birth account says that these Wiseman came from the east.  It has been ling held more than likely they did not come from the area of ancient person of Babycon or what is now known as modern name pray.  That treak to Jerusalem would home been once 700 miles for camel full deserts and over mountains scoping for resupply on the way the journey could have talked months.  A pair of these Wiseman are very learn in atonements they work in with a signs with a stars and knew something specific about the star that they watching and following part the fascinating question is this.  Why would this Persian Wiseman be interested in the birth of Jewish king travel I greasing 700 miles to get there and then bring him gifts and announced king herod that they would to worship him.  The answer main are we complexed are mere than likely these for Wiseman who send it from the line of Daniel are the very least to send it from Jewish to mained in Babycon after the apt every and continued their family generation there Abraham the father of the nation of Israel.  The Bible tell us came from the line of caldives as well.  This is the ancient name of Persia or Babycon or model day Irag.  So large             co-reference and the biblical reference, the historical reference which seemed that there is very Good possibility .That these Wiseman are Jewish to send, studying the prophecies and the scriptures and the stars looking for astronomical science for the coming of the Jewish king who would rule as king of king.  They were in the east why did studying they not believe based upon their evidence are collected that the Messia had be born.  They believe that, the king of Jews was now here.  So they where to Jerusalem to care of other why Jerusalem is also very logical.  There was a very center of the Jewish life.  The temple was there, score of the sun God’s with their Jewish king once there with Roman’s permission.  They scribes, the priests, the teaches of the law.  They were all in Jerusalem.  If the ever logical place with these Wiseman by find mere information mere and more news about the arrival of the messiah it would be in that the Jewish king of kings may have been born in Jews is obvious from the questioning of Herod.  That they did not know the exact location of the child.  So they send out for Jerusalem.  The Bible records there was in Jerusalem after confirming the king Herod.  That the ledined of the scripture prophetic place of the new king’s birth.  The religious Wiseman declared.  The astronomer Wiseman he was to born in Bethlehem.  A small town just 5 miles to the Jerusalem as the Wiseman looked into the sky star at night they would comfort to see that the star that had following at night and this time of year situated perfectly and the southern  night sky.  Directly over the turning time of Bethlehem.  But when actually did the Wiseman arrived in Bethlehem.  Where they are the major where Jesus was born as many of modern manger scenes to put no, actually they would not again the bible is clearly on this mark and the tribe tell us when they arrived.  Where they found the new born king.

          Mathew 2: 9 – 11

          After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.  When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

                   After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.  When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.

          On coming to the HOUSE, the saw the CHILD with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. (NIV)

          On coming to the HOUSE, the saw the CHILD with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

          The bible could be any more clues by the time that the Wiseman arrived in Bethlehem.  Mary, Joseph and Jesus were living in a house in Bethlehem.  The baby Jesus is now described as a child, the original biblical line was the word use for child is means the older infant to the topper.  You would remember the Herod leant that he would return by the Wiseman them never returned to him with news of the location of the child.  Herod said his poops in the Bethlehem every male child from two years old and younger or smaller even Herod after listening to the Wiseman accounting of the stars in the heavenly signs even Herod knew that the new born king was above on the two years old.  But what they are exactly free Wiseman they are at night again the bible tells that they were Wiseman dedicating at least more than one.  It is soon that were free because the three specific treasures are mentioned.  Gold, incense and myrrh.  We do not know for sure how many Wiseman came looking for the Christ child. Three is a good assumption but the exact numbers is unknown.  What about the gift and was their significance, gold will be appropriate for king, incense will be logical gift for priest to be used in offering sacrifice to God, myrrh had two for purposes in ancient days.  It is used by the physician of the day as a healing agent it also used as a preservative in the moment process.  So you have know the symbolic significance fo these three gifts.  They speak to the person of new born Christ.  He would be a king, a priest and great physician and he would give his very life in death for his people.  The Wiseman suddenly over a voice they could understand the stars, the sign in the heaven and the prophecies.  They have the wisdom to go to Jerusalem to seek they did not know, they lad the wisdom not to return to King Herod.  They had the wisdom and the thoughtfulness to bring gifts, they would prefer      redic.  Gifts that actually proclaimed to Jesus voice and what it was he come to do.  The Wiseman saw him out and Wiseman to seek him out to day.



          The following presentation was gleaned from various eneyclopedic and astronomy resources.  Some of the material, however, came from the material, however, came from the excellent website.

          Frederick a Larson is the founder of the site and the writer and producer of the DVD presentation documenting the same information.  The DVD is entailed.

          “The star of Bethlehem”

          Mr. Larson’s work is acclaimed by scientists, theologians and astronomers from all over the world.

          Do you Hear what I Hear?”

          Manheim steamioller


          2-3 BC

          Perhaps the mist in tricking the winter a night in Bethlehem was the star the Wiseman were following.  We now know much more about the star from scripture then those people realize.  Actually we know nearly seven clear things about the stars from leading the gospel of the Matthew accounting of it.  We know for example that star signifies the birth of the Jewish king.

          The Birth of the

          Jewish King

          Also we know that the star rose in the east like all the other stars.

It rose in the East

          In the Greek the Wiseman literally said we saw his start rising in the east of course they saw it from the east as well as the they would from the area of Persian.  Move stars rise in the east but not now pole star’s do not this end then they are what the ancient called.  The wondering stars we know this in its planets infect out English word “planet” comes from the Greek word that means “to wonder”.  They are pure to move around to the feel of fix stars.  Because they themselves are in an actual orbit around the sun like Earth.  The stars on the other hand are fixed and they do not move they only a pure to move to us because our roof our platform of observation is rotating on its own axis and at the same time travelling around the sun in own but different orbit.  The third thing when over the star is that it a pure at a precise time and it precise thing because the Wiseman take note of it.

Precise time

Precise activity


Herod didn’t know

About the star

          Herod didn’t know when it appeared this really is a huge lint because pearly star had been visible to all who looked into the night sky may be little different but or brighter than most but actual act every of the star would have been apparent only to the knowledge and  passion to water for it the Wiseman had to explain all of this to Herod when they arrived.  Once his point the bible says the Herod and all in Jerusalem are greatly disturbed by the news.  The fifth things when  over the star is that it endured over time.

It endured over time

          The activity of the star lasted for months as bible say a just a moment.  And the sixth thing is that it was ahead of the maji

Went ahead of the maji

As they went salved from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and number 7 the bible says that the star stopped over Bethlehem.  This is perhaps the most specific information about the stars that we have

The star “stopped”

          Do stars stop in the sky one which early think not

(1571 – 1630)

          Johannes kepler was one of the great mathematical minds of the human history. kepler saw that the planets might travel in the elliptical orbits and nine in perfect circuits orbits as earlier astronomers as past divided.  And finally after us research kepler find the perfect mathematical understanding of the movement of the planets.  In 1609 he publish the first and second laws of planetary motion and then 10 years late the third law.  These laws are still used by the astronomers.  NASA and the European SPACE Agencies.  These laws do not change thanks to kepler and modern computer technology we now have ability to locate heavenly objects with tremendous position and any given point in history and any viewing point from the space of the earth pore temple we can calculate with a sky look like over Jerusalem 2000 years ago.  We can also literally see what the sky what have look like to the Wiseman viewing from Babylon and the same time.  Just now open are mix ding possibilities.  But there is one big problem the question of days for what exactly issue that should be scanning at night sky.  With his cover that the great majority of ancient research helps the Jesus was born in 3 or 2 BC.

Ancient writer’s asserted

That Jesus was born in

3 BC or 2 BC

          Not a single one pass divided that Jesus was born before 4 BC.  The ancient were in fact correct as we will in just a moment.  But by keplers day in the 1600 there earlier and very understanding had been later side.  So keplers himself tried to discover a phenomena of the star.  But he was looking into sky at the long time.  The bible tells that Herod learnt of Jesus is birth from astronomers are Wiseman who had seen the stars of new born king.  He tried to kill the child so obviously the tribe records that Herod was alive when Jesus is birth.  The ancient Jewish historian Josephus distinctly record the Herod died in 4 BC.  This would have Jesus birth in sometime between 5 and 6 BC.  So those are the two years which Keeplers scan the sky’s for the star.  Even with the power of his newly discovered the laws of planetary motion he didn’t find anything striking that would indicates what the Wiseman saw.  But the last we not know that he search the sky’s for the wrong use.  A modern discovery has deepened how understanding the Josephus is manuscripts.  Just recently a study was mind the earliest manuscript of Josephus is writing help by the British library in London and American library of congress.

          Yet revealed has the price the now has to focus our mathematical telescope better that Kepler that would have dreamed.  It turns out that a copying a era was primacy cause of the confusion about the died of Herod’s death.  It printed typed setting the manuscript of Josephus is historical work met a humble mistake in the year 1544 every single Josephs manuscript in these libraries is dating from the 41544 so ports that Herod past in 1 BC.  For the colastric research has confirmed that date knowing this in and sent Herod shortly after Christ birth our investigation now turns to the night skills of 313 BC and 1 BC.

3 BC and 2 BC

          Before we cover a prophet what is our biblical understanding about looking for signs in the sky regarding prophecy Psalm 19 proclaims.

          Psalm 19: 14

          The heavens declare the story of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.

          The heavens declare the story of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.

Their voice goes out into

all the earth, their words

to the ends of the world….(NIV)

          In Revelation the last book of the bible chapter twelve.  The bible says.

A great and wondrous sign

appeared in heaven a women

clothed with the sun, with the

moon under her feet and a crown

of twelve stars on her head. (NIV)

A great and wondrous sign

appeared in heaven a women

clothed with the sun, with the

moon under her feet and a crown

of twelve stars on her head. (NIV)

          In the book of Acts chapter 2 surely after the Pentecostal events Peter proclaims…

          Acts 2: 17 – 20

In the last days, god says, I will

pour out my spirit on all

people … I will show wonders in

the heaven above and sign on

the earth below, blood and fire

and billows of smoke.

The sun will be tuened to

darkness and the moon to

blood before the coming

of the great and glorious

day of the lord. (NIV)

In the last days, god says, I will

pour out my spirit on all

people … I will show wonders in

the heaven above and sign on

the earth below, blood and fire

and billows of smoke.

The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the lord. (NIV)

          In Mathew chapter 24 Jesus himself declares

          Mathew 24: 30

At that time the sign of the son of

man will appear in the sky, and all

the nations of the earth will mourn.

They will see the son of man

coming on the clouds of the sky,

with power and great glory. (NIV)

At that time the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky, and the nations of the earth will mourn.  They will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.

So the bible is clear even the heaven have and well declare sign concerning the great prophecies of God’s word.  The information like this that cause these ancient astronomers or maji to look to the stars and to listen to the voices of the stars.  So what was the star the Wiseman saw did anything skies over the Middle East in 3 or 2 BC.  What is an modern astronomy software and the mathematics  of kepler say.



First tell us rewrite some basic astronomy facts star rises in the east and set in the west.  The star are stationery but the earth is rotating, the planets also rise in the east but they often do them strains times.  Because they are all on different orbits of around the sun along with earth.  So planets 10 to 100 in the night sky.  This is of course merely and optic illusion.  The planets move in and around elliptical orbit around the sun.  The earth is moving with them and rotating at the same time because of the sometime opposing rotations the planets are appeared to wonder to move and different places and planets.  Sometime they appeared to leave and back up what you stop tempo rating particularly location.  This optical illusion is called by the astronomers “RETROGRDE MOTION” of the planets.


Keep this fact in mind for later.  Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.  Jupiter was known by the ancient Romans is greatest of the all of the God’s known as the “King Planet” or the “father Planet” Venus was known as the mother planet.  Regulus is the land of mark for king we can our word Regulus from it.


The Babylonians and the Romans and Jesus time is also called the king star.  In the years 3 and 2 BC Jupiter is exaggerate wondering what have called for our Persian astronomer’s foolished  attention.  Early in 3 BC according to our modern astronomy software Jupiter the king planet was approaching Regulus the king star.  This was the beginning away the kindly and accounting in the heaven over the middle east.  After Jupiter and Regulus had the kingly encountered.  Jupiter continued as its path through this star feet.  But their it entered Retrograde the optic illusion regards in codes. Here, whether the surprised began.  Jupiter changed its mine and head it back to regular and for same it conjunction.  After the second phase it would be best.  Because again for year thought wonder with regular.  A triple conjunction is now occurred.  A triple phase like this more than wave over period of month I have watching maji would have seen the planets of kings denser a high low above the star of the kings.  Third different types a holy, denine, correlation was been held in heavenly’s.  By September 3 BC the same time the angel visited Mary and made his announcement to her.  The star are announcing the coming king as Jupiter around regulus.  The triple conjunction also began with Jewish feast of trumpets. Trumpets are often used in the bible to announce the arrival for appearance of the king.  And have often this conjunction took place with in the constellation of leo, the lion, for the showing a biblical connection with Jewish tribe of Judah and the prophecies of a Jewish Messiah called “THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH”.  So the heavenly announce of the conception of the king of king took place and the exactly the Simon the bible tell us the angel visited Mary.  In September where the angel is announcing to Mary the coming of the Messiah king the heavenly bodies were announcing the same thing and Jewish sended the Wiseman living in working 700 miles watching and regarding and put her in the life time journey.  Nine months later when the child would born in June of 2 BC.  The Maji astonished to see we now can see through kepler is map and modern computers software Jupiter the king planet joined Venus the mother planet like a future.  Nine months after the announcement the king planet joins the mother.  Would have been the brighter star in the sky no one could alive with that time never seen this phenomena before.  A lifer ally was the brighter star in the sky ever as for as the generation concerned.  This would have been at the time of his birth announced by the brighter star in the sky in the month of the June in the year 2 BC.


Herod and others may not know this phenomenon they would basic with their lives and not in truth by looking into the miles God men who made their living by observing substance.  The maji they would have no struggling notice this, the Brighter star ever seen in our lifetime but now visible in the night sky.  Sometime later they headed after Jerusalem the 700 mile straighter early trip to Jerusalem would have taken sometime.  Then we know that there in Jerusalem for ever the bible doesn’t say how long but they would there deciding Herod counting with the religious expect about the Messiah at his place of birth and my other spiritual reference that they would clean from the religious series expects.  During this time they would have explain to Herod but the bible say Herod did not know about.

They would have explain the tropic of curning regulars by Jupiter all within Leo the lion during the feast of trumpet and then they joining with Venus all within a 9 month period.  Merely the revelation that a praised and then to stared Herod.  Once the gossip started spreading the bible records all of Jerusalem became the news as well.  The people had not been educated by the maji they where anxious about the news.  The anxious about how the current king Herod known his murder of would response about the new king be born.  So Herod now sends the Wiseman to Bethlehem to look for the child.  As a Wiseman travelled our modern computer program show the Jupiter will have hung to the self  as they looking born Jerusalem life of Bethlehem.  But scripture say that the star stopped how did we over this peace an important information our astronomical software shows the during the month of December 2 Jupiter into retrograde and to the naked eye it a pure as the literally stopped in the sky.  Jupiter what happen seeing salves of Jerusalem ride over Bethlehem and of all things were stopped.  Jupiter went into retrograde and stopped in the sky precisely on the evening of December 25, 2 BC.

December 25, 2 BC

The Wiseman arrived at Jesus house on December 25, and celebrated his arrival and birth.  This is what kepler had been looking for, his map was correct but his date were wrong but now in the last days the prophecies are being unsealed Computer technology astronomy software and keplers law now revealed to us.  The very first generation in 2000 years to know exactly what happened. The king planet around the king star thousands.  By September 3 BC this happens with in the constellation of Leo the lion the king planet then course into conjunction with the mother planet.  This phenomenon creates a brighter star ever seen in the heavens by any alive with this time.  This occurred with in June 2 BC.  Then on the December 2 BC Jupiter into retrograde and literally stopped in the night sky.  Approaching from Jerusalem Jupiter doing stopped over Bethlehem.  The Wiseman on the December 25th celebrated the birth of the new born king.  Jesus was presented with a prophetic gifts and God’s plan of salvation was born.  Will began at 33 years later he will finished on his Calvary cross punctuated 3 days later with an empty tin our savor, our Lord, had come through the whom of the virgin and through the veil of the fared scripture announced by angels and proclaim by the stars.  He had come he has come specifically to offer us a restoration with the God who created us he has come to bring us eternal life to all would call upon his a name and believe that he his the lord of glory.  The bible declares and all who call upon the name shall be saved.

ROMANS 10: 13





Why Bethlehem will may ask why this tiny Lurummal judged.  The answer is finding in its very name.  Bethlehem is actually made up of two Hebrew words



Beth meaning House and LEHEM – meaning Bread.  The House of Bread.  The Bread of life would be born announced by the life of angels, announced by the prophets and announce by the stars themselves he was born for you and for me.

Luke 2: 8 – 15

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the lord appeared to them, and they were terrified.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the lord appeared to them, and they were terrified.

But the angel said to them “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; he is Christ the lord.

But the angel said to them “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; he is Christ the lord.

This will be a sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.  “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying,

This will be a sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.  “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace to men on whom his favor the earth peace to men on whom his favor rests”.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace to men on whom his favor the earth peace to men on whom his favor rests”.

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another “let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about”.

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another “let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about”.

          And that it was really happened at Bethlehem

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