Tuesday 16 September 2014

God of Wonders

God of Wonders video outline

Part 1 – God of Power

Chapter 2: Power Introduction (4 minutes)

Chapter 3: Thunderstorms (4 minutes)

Chapter 4: Sun / Stars (5 minutes)

Chapter 5: Universe (4 minutes)

Chapter 6: E=mc² (4 minutes)

Part 2 – God of Wisdom

Chapter 7: Wisdom Introduction (2 minutes)

Chapter 8: Snow Crystals (4 minutes)

Chapter 9: DNA (4 minutes)

Chapter 10: Seeds (4 minutes)

Chapter 11: Flowering Plants (5 minutes)

Chapter 12: Sea Creatures (5 minutes)

Chapter 13: Birds (6 minutes)

Chapter 14: Hummingbirds (5 minutes)

Chapter 15: Butterflies / Summary (5 minutes)

Chapter 16: Mankind (6 minutes)

Part 3 – God of Justice

Chapter 17: God of Justice (6 minutes)

Part 4 – God of Love

Chapter 18: God of Love (6 minutes)

Chapter 19: Song and Credits (3 minutes)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction questions                                                                  Page 1

Chapter 2: Power introduction questions                                                       Page 2

Chapter 3: Thunderstorms questions                                                              Page 3

Chapter 4: Sun and Stars questions                                                                Page 4

Chapter 5: Universe questions                                                                        Page 5

Chapter 6: E=mc² questions                                                                           Page 6

Chapter 7: Wisdom introduction questions                                                    Page 7

Chapter 8: Snow Crystals questions                                                               Page 8

Chapter 9: DNA questions                                                                             Page 9

Chapter 10: Seeds questions                                                                           Page 10

Chapter 11: Flowering Plants questions                                                         Page 11

Chapter 12: Sea Creatures questions                                                              Page 12

Chapter 13: Birds questions                                                                            Page 13

Chapter 14: Hummingbirds questions                                                            Page 14

Chapter 15: Butterflies questions                                                                   Page 15

Chapter 16: Mankind questions                                                                      Page 16

Chapter 17: God of Justice questions                                                                         Page 17

Chapter 18: God of Love questions                                                               Page 18

Answers key                                                                                                   Page 19-28

Chapter 1: Introduction questions

Please read these two Scriptures and then answer the following questions:

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard” (Psalm 19:1-3).[1]

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

1)      Does every language, nation, and people group know that there is a glorious Creator simply by observing creation?

2)      Is God hiding or has He revealed Himself through nature?

3)      List a few things we can know about God by examining His creation.

4)      Can you provide other Scriptures that explain that God has revealed Himself to every man through His creation?

After each Scripture, comment on how we should respond to our Creator:

5)      “By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:6-9).

6)      “Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works!” (Psalm 105:1-2).

7)      “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the LORD made the heavens” (Psalm 96:3-5).

8)      True or False: God’s created wonders provide an ideal and biblical springboard to share the Good News.

Chapter 2: Power Introduction questions

1)      True or False – As a building requires a builder, creation demands a Creator.

2)      Which is more complex: a building or your brain?

3)      True or False – The Law of Causality (cause and effect) states that all matter and energy had to have a beginning.

4)      True or False – God, as an infinite and eternal Being, transcends His creation and has no beginning or end.

5)      True of False – Satan is equal to, but opposite God.

6)      What do the following verses teach us about God and His authority over creation?

“Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, And You are exalted as head over all” (1 Chronicles 29:11).

“For there is no authority (power) except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God” (Romans 13:1).

“And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, ‘Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!’” (Revelation 19:6).

7)      According to the Bible, who is Jesus Christ?  Can you cite two additional proof passages not listed below?

Jesus said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30).

“‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,’ says the Lord, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty’” (Revelation 1:8).

“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him” (Colossians 1:16).

“…and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.” (Romans 9:5).

“To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 2:1).

Chapter 3: Thunderstorms questions

1)      An average thunderstorm pours down several hundred million gallons of water – equivalent to the amount of water that flows over Niagara Falls every:
a) 10 seconds    b) 1 minute    c) 6 minutes

2)      At any given moment, hundreds of storms are occurring somewhere around the world. This amounts to about how many thunderstorms each year? 
a) 100,000    b) 2 million    c) 16 million

3)      A bolt of lightning may reach over 5 miles in length, contain over 100 million electrical volts, and soar to temperatures approaching how many degrees Fahrenheit in a split second?  a) 50,000    b) 12,000    c) 800

4)      List three benefits of thunderstorms and lightning: 




5)      Lightning and thunderstorms in the Bible are often used as a symbol of God’s wrath against rebellious people. Please reference two examples in Scripture.



6)      What can we learn about God’s character by experiencing a thunderstorm?



7)      True or False: According to Psalm 29, the voice of the Lord is likened to thunder and lightning.

8)      True or False: Almost everyone has experienced a thunderstorm and lightning. We can refer to storms to warn of God’s coming judgment and/or explain His power and gracious provision. Both can provide a catalyst to share the Gospel.

Chapter 4: Sun and Stars questions

1)      Our sun is immense and its energy output enormous. The core of the sun is a scorching:  a) 10,000 °F    b) 4,000,000 °F    c) 27,000,000 °F

2)      True or False – The vast majority of energy on the earth comes from the sun.

3)      True of False – Plant and animal life could continue without the sun’s energy.

4)      If our sun was hollow, how many earths could fit inside it? 
a) 1,000,000    b) 1,000    c) 85,000

5)      The sun gives off more energy in one second than mankind has produced since:
a) The Industrial Revolution    b) Jesus Christ    c) Adam and Eve

6)      Our sun, though enormous, is only an average size star – many stars in our own galaxy dwarf it. For example, Betelgeuse has a radius 600 times that of our sun. How many times brighter than the sun does this reddish star shine? 
a) 500    b) 60,000    c) 2,000,000 

7)      Our own Milky Way Galaxy contains an estimated 100 billion stars. And the universe holds an estimated 100 billion galaxies – or more!  When we consider that God created every one of these stars and names and upholds each one – and maintains their stellar courses – what does this show us about His attributes?



8)      The stars reveal more than raw power. Without the light of the sun, all life on earth would soon perish. As we daily observe the sun’s life-giving energy and light, what should it remind us about our Creator and how should we respond?




9)      True or False: The movements of the sun, moon, planets, and stars obey laws so precise that we are able to accurately predict their positions and motions through the sky.  God declares that He has “appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth” (Jeremiah 33:25). The orderliness of the universe points to a faithful and powerful Creator, and not randomness.

Chapter 5: The Universe questions

1)      True or False: Though incomprehensible, it is now estimated that the universe holds over a billion trillion stars (>1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars).

2)      Who knows the exact number of stars?
a) Astronomers    b) Charles Darwin    c) Our Creator

3)      At a time when fewer than 5,000 stars were visible to the naked eye, God stated that the stars of heaven were innumerable (Genesis 15:5; 22:17; Jeremiah 33:22).  When did Galileo first glimpse the immensity of our universe with his new telescope?  
a) The 17th century AD    b) The 14th century AD    c) The first century BC

4)      If we were able to travel at the speed of light – 186,000 miles per second – we could circle the earth seven times in one second!  However, to travel across the known universe at the speed of light would take how long?
a) 100 years    b) 15 million years    c) 28 billion years

5)      The Lord explains that “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). How much higher are God’s ways and wisdom than man’s ways and wisdom?


6)      The Bible contains many scientific insights that scientists are just beginning to discover. For example, today most astronomers acknowledge that the universe appears to be expanding. This agrees with what the Bible stated 2,700 years ago: God “stretches out the heavens like a curtain.”  One reference is Isaiah 40:22. Reference two additional Scriptures where God states that He stretches out the heavens:

7)      When we consider the incredible beauty displayed throughout the universe, what does this affirm about our Creator’s character and care for mankind?

As a young man, King David tended his father’s sheep in the field. David was awestruck when he viewed the heavens. This inspired him to write the following:  “O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens! …When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?”

8)    Which Psalm is this from? After reading this Psalm, explain how it declares God’s special concern for mankind: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 6: E=mc² questions

1)      In the past century, scientists have explored nuclear energy. It involves the discovery of the formula E = mc² (made famous by Albert Einstein). In this formula, the “E” stands for energy, the “m” stands for mass or matter, and “c” stands for: 
a) Carbon’s atomic weight    b) The nuclear coefficient    c) The speed of light

2)      True or False: Even the tiniest amount of mass has an enormous amount of energy associated with it.

3)      If the mass of an average size tree could be converted into energy, the power yield would be 45 trillion kilowatt-hours! By way of comparison, the US generates about 4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electrical energy per year. So if just a single tree’s mass was converted into energy, and that energy harnessed, it would provide the entire United States’ electrical energy needs for approximately: 
a) 10 years    b) 10 hours    c) 45 days

4)      The potential energy within a single grain of salt could power an entire household for:  a) Several hours    b) Several months    c) Several years

Scripture explains that it is the Lord Himself who is “upholding all things by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3. See also: Colossians 1:17; Revelation 4:11). This includes every atom, every cell, every star, and the entire universe!

5)      What does this reveal about our Creator and His relationship with His creation?


6)      True or False: The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the whole universe is wearing out and growing old. Therefore, the Originator has to be Someone who is outside (transcends) time and space.

7)      The fact that our Creator organized all these infinitely intricate systems and put together every atom, cell, star, galaxy, and the entire cosmos, and that He upholds all things, tells us what about His attributes: (circle all that apply)
a) Eternal    b) Omnipotent (all powerful)    c) Omniscient (all knowing)   
d) Omnipresent (present everywhere)    e) Capricious (unreliable)   
f) Personal    g) Caring    h) Finite    i) Faithful (dependable)

8)      When we look at the many examples of God’s power, it should invoke a sense of reverence and awe in our hearts. The Bible tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. The fear of the Lord leads to life. Therefore, the proper response to God’s authority is to:



Chapter 7: Wisdom Introduction questions

1)      There are countless examples of God’s wisdom displayed throughout creation. List three of your favorite examples in creation that prove God’s wisdom (e.g., the human brain, DNA molecule, dolphins, cotton, bananas, etc.)


2)      List three things in creation that reveal God’s limitless ability to create beautiful things, and thereby demonstrate His appreciation for beauty (e.g., sunsets, newborn baby, rainbow, glowing gems, etc.)


3)      Why did God create so much beauty? (circle all that apply) 
a) To shine forth His glory    b) For mankind’s benefit    c) It’s just an accident

4)      Disease, birth defects, suffering, decay, fires, floods, tribulations, death, sin, etc., are all evidence that: (circle all that apply)
a) God is indifferent    b) God’s Word is true    c) There is no God   
d) As God warned, man’s rebellion results in the curse and death

5)      Though the creation is groaning under the curse, give three examples of God’s love and care for His creation (e.g., the wonderful variety of food and taste buds and all the necessary organs to assimilate food; the amazing hydrological cycle which constantly provides a fresh supply of water; the fantastic immune system which provides protection and healing from disease; etc.)




6)      The elegant water molecule is indispensable to life, so our generous Creator covered what percentage of the earth’s surface with it in streams, lakes, and seas? 
a) 80%    b) 45%    c) 60%

7)      Water is perfectly designed to support the life of every cell and creature.  It’s an excellent: (circle all that apply) 
a) Solvent    b) Encoder    c) Coolant    d) Transporter 

Chapter 8: Snow Crystals questions

1)      Each snow crystal is built on a how many sided pattern?
a) Octagonal (8-sided)    b) Hexagonal (6-sided)    c) Pentagonal (5-sided)

2)      Snow crystals form in:   a) The clouds    b) The ozone layer    c) The ionosphere

3)      As the snow crystals grow, breath-taking patterns emerge. God’s snow crystal designs are complex, symmetrical, and beautiful to behold. In contrast, manmade snow has none of the elaborate structure found in snow crystals. What does this tell us what about our Creator?

4)      Snow crystals are made out of amazing water molecules. Each oxygen atom has a little bit of negative charge, and it holds onto two hydrogen atoms that have a slight positive charge. How many degrees apart does the oxygen atom hold the two hydrogen atoms in order to form these beautiful shapes? 
a) 6 ½ degrees    b) 96 degrees    c) 104 ½ degrees  

5)      True or False:  Only one out of a million snow crystals are exactly alike.

6)      True or False:  Each individual ice crystal is made up of literally millions of water molecules.

7)      True or False:  Every day trillions of God’s transparent treasures fall to earth for our discovery and joy.

8)      The ornate beauty of snow crystals reveals: (circle all that apply) 
a) God is bored    b) God loves beauty    c) God loves mankind   
d) God favors those who live in the cold regions of the earth

9)      True or False: As each snow crystal is distinctly patterned, so each human, each soul, is unique and of special concern to our Lord.

10)  True or False: As God’s creative hand forms ice crystals with loving care, so too, He intends to form just certain people to reflect His glory.

11)  Thousands of years ago, God asked Job “Have you entered the treasury of snow?” (Job 38:22). Now no man living at that time could have known fully about the treasures of the snow. But with the advent of the microscope, these elaborate crystals can now be wholly appreciated. Jesus said “to whom much is given, from him much will be required” (Luke 12:48).  What should our response be when we realize God’s many gracious treasures and gifts?


12)  Snow can be a symbol of purity in the Bible. Can you cite one passage?
Chapter 9: DNA questions

1)      If simple water molecules that form ice crystals exhibit magnificent structure, consider the design ingenuity behind large, complex molecules such as DNA. DNA contains the blueprint for: (circle all that apply)
a) Our vision system    b) Our soul    c) Our entire gastrointestinal system   
d) The physical bodies of all life forms

2)      The DNA molecule is by far the densest information storage mechanism known in the universe. For example, the amount of information contained in a pinhead volume of DNA would fill a stack of books 500 times higher than:
a) The Empire State building    b) From the earth to the moon   
c) From the earth to Mars

3)      True or False: The DNA program code and design of such an incredible system indicates a supremely intelligent Designer.

4)      Each person begins as a single cell the size of a period. Encoded in our DNA is the instruction manual on how to build our entire body.  Once grown, our body consists of approximately how many cells? 
a) 1 million    b) 1 billion    c) 100 trillion

5)      All of our cells must function together for us to be able to: (circle all that apply) 
a) Walk and talk    b) Eat and assimilate food    c) Maintain all our systems

6)      God’s Word explains that the Lord created and is upholding all things. This includes the atoms, cells, and complex systems that make up our amazing bodies. Is there any man-made design that compares with our bodies’ integration?


7)      True or False:  Biologists are starting to acknowledge that a single cell is as complex as a city.  In fact a city’s transportation infrastructure, communication network, power factories, water distribution and sewage system, buildings, bridges, etc., are child’s play compared to a cell’s complexity.

8)      Cells that are not operating as originally designed are called: 
a) Cancer cells    b) Liberals    c) Free spirits

9)      DNA is a three dimensional molecule that contains the instructions for its own replication. Each molecule is able to make an identical copy quickly and efficiently. The Lord has even programmed DNA to detect and correct replication errors. Is there any man-made design that compares?

10)  True or False: One of the laws of information science says that information never originates by itself in matter. Any time we trace the copying of information back to its source, it always comes back to a mind (intelligence).  Therefore evolution is impossible from the start.
Chapter 10: Seeds questions

1)      God has programmed the tiny sequoia seed to become the largest tree on earth – reaching nearly:  a) 300 feet tall    b) 80 feet tall    c) 500 feet tall

2)      True or False: Consider the many varieties of seeds. As stated in Genesis, each kind of seed occasionally produces several kinds of plants.

3)      Evolution has no solution for which came first: the chicken or the egg, the protein or the DNA molecule, the seed or the plant, etc.  However God’s Word provides the simple answer.  Please explain:



4)      Seeds are masterpieces of micro miniaturization.  Inside each seed is a little embryonic plant! It already has: (circle all that apply) 
a) Leaves    b) A stem    c) Fruit    d) A root    e) A protective seed coat

5)      The seed is filled with all kinds of receptors listening in to the right environmental signals which must be present before it will sprout. These receptors are able to determine: (circle all that apply) 
a) How many humans are nearby    b) The proper temperature   
c) The right amount of humidity    d) Oxygen availability

6)      True or False: Seed fossils look just like the seeds we have today.

7)      The seed is the first reproductive structure God made on creation day number: 
a) 3    b) 4    c) 5

8)      Today scientists have discovered what Scripture stated all along:  Inside the unassuming seed is life itself.  Contained within are living cells – tiny factories of amazing complexity.  Has any scientist been able to build a synthetic seed?

9)      Seeds are programmed to remain dormant until water and warmth are available. Who installed this ability to monitor temperature and humidity? Who determined the proper time for the seed to germinate? Who told the root “You must go down!” and the stem “You must head upward!”? __________________________________________________________________

10)  In order to sprout and thrive, seeds require: (circle all that apply) 
a) The proper soil nutrients    b) The ideal properties found in water   
c) The necessary pollinators    d) Evolutionary blind chance   
e) The right atmosphere    f) The correct frequency spectrum of light

11)  True or False: If it’s living, it’s complex!

Chapter 11: Flowering Plants questions

1)      Name two of your favorite flowers. Are you grateful that God gave us color and many other reflections of His splendor?


2)      True or False: There are a great variety of flowering plants flourishing all over the globe – and each with its own unique flower, fruit and fragrance.

3)      God uses the same elements – soil, light, and water – to produce countless brilliant varieties of flowers. Have scientists discovered how God could take brown soil, light energy, and clear water, and from a humble seed produce red, yellow, blue, and orange flowers with beneficial fruits and pleasing aromas?


4)      Remarkably, certain flowers are designed to know what time it is. They are sensitive to atmospheric pressure, length of daylight, temperature, and humidity and must therefore have built-in biorhythms.  Please list two flowers that open and close with clock-like precision:


5)      In the spring time most wild fields and meadows are covered with delicate flowers.  What does this tell us about our Creator and His concern for man?


6)      Which process is the basis for all our food supply? 
a) Biogenesis    b) Amniocentesis    c) Photosynthesis

7)      List three benefits of flowering plants:


8)      True or False: Mankind could not exist without green plants.

9)      In order for plants to thrive and survive they need: the energy from the sun; water molecules and nutrients from the soil; carbon dioxide breathed out by man and animals; complex insects to fertilize and pollinate. The fact that all these elements had to be present and working from the start is clear evidence of: 
a) ET’s seeding life here little by little    b) Creation    c) The Big Bang

10)  Though magnificent in bloom, the glory of the flower quickly fades. Scripture likens man’s life on earth to a flower – so quick to pass away (Psalm 103:15; 1 Peter 1:24). Therefore, it is important for each of us to: 
a) Eat and drink for tomorrow we die    b) Don’t worry, be happy
c) Seek everlasting life today   
Chapter 12: Sea Creatures questions

1)      In the Book of Genesis we read that God originally created everything to be very good – perfect. And though sin has since injured creation, the fish, the birds, and all creatures still testify to God’s: 
a) Indifference    b) Remoteness    c) Goodness and wisdom

2)      True or False: The enormous assortment of ocean dwellers and their remarkable functionality speaks of the finite (limited) ingenuity of our Creator.

3)      After seeing the giant octopus morph into a rock with algae, and its color, shape, and texture all transform in an instant, what one word would you use to describe its Creator?

4)      God has enabled certain sea creatures to safely cohabitate in their environment. For example, clown fish are designed with immunity to the poisonous sea anemones. Why couldn’t this trait just happen by chance?


5)      The ability for fish to dart with synchronized movements reveals: 
a) Fish are smarter than man    b) Fish like to dance   
c) The guiding hand of a Grand Conductor

6)      The squid is just one of the countless examples of the marvelous complexity found in sea creatures. The squid has a brain, complex eyes, a digestive system, a salivary gland, a pancreas, and three different hearts! And yet, fossils of this kind of creature are among the first to be preserved. This initial complexity shows:
a) Gradual evolutionary progress    b) God’s design complete from the start

7)      Fish are designed to extract oxygen from the water in an extremely efficient manner. Has man invented anything nearly as efficient or reliable? __________________________________________________________________

8)      According to the fossil record, have fish always been fish? __________________

9)      Name some of the benefits that sea creatures provide for mankind:



10)  Will there be fishing on the rejuvenated earth during the millennium?


Chapter 13: Birds questions

1)      For centuries man attempted to imitate the flight of a bird. It was only in what century (AD) that he succeeded in controlled flight?   a) 20th    b) 19th    c) 16th

2)      True or False: A great many of man’s inventions are based on examining designs in nature. To this day, in order to improve the aerodynamics of a plane, man will return to study God’s marvelous avian design.

3)      The design features of bird bones are amazing. A bird’s bones are: (circle all that apply) 
a) Lightweight    b) Virtually hollow    c) Fragile    d) Supported inside by struts    e) Honeycombed with air sacs    f) Designed for flight

4)      True or False: A bird’s beak is made of heavy bone rather than lightweight horn.

5)      Only birds have been created with feathers. Feathers provide which benefits? (circle all that apply) 
a) Insulate the bird from the sun’s heat    b) Glow in the dark
c) Waterproof the body    d) Create wing and tail surfaces necessary for flight   
e) Protect it from the cold    f) Decrease global warming

6)      Each feather is connected to a nerve and controlled by a muscle. This precision muscular control helps the bird: (circle all that apply) 
a) Sing    b) Balance in the air    c) Steer    d) Brake when slowing down to land

7)      Birds have a system of breathing that’s not found in any other creature. The bird lung is a special double-tied system that can oxygenate the air both inhaling and exhaling. The fact that God provides exactly what every creature needs for its role in life, tells us what about our Creator? _________________________________________________________________

8)      One of the marvels of birds is their ability to migrate long distances. The arctic tern makes it from areas near the North Pole all the way down to the South Pole and back every year without a compass or guide. How many miles is this round trip per year? 
a) 16,000 to 24,000    b) 4,000 to 6,000    c) 8,000 to 10,000

9)      In the service of man each species of bird has a special role. List some benefits that birds provide for man. __________________________________________________________________


10)  While God provides marvelously for birds, remember that Jesus assures us that we are of more value than many sparrows (Matthew 10:31; Luke 12:7, 24). How is mankind distinct from birds?

Chapter 14: Hummingbirds questions

1)      The hummingbird is a marvel of agility and grace. The smallest birds, they get their name due to the fact that: 
a) They hum songs    b) They snore  
c) Their rapid wing-beats make a humming sound

2)      In order for the hummingbird to be able to gather its energy food and thereby survive, which of these features must work together? (circle all that apply)
a) A small body to move with ease about the flowers    b) Partly evolved organs   
c) A long needle-like bill to probe deeply into the flower cup   
d) A specialized tongue ideal for extracting nectar    e) Eyes that are 10% evolved    f) Strong wings and a sturdy breastbone, which enable the bird to hover in mid-air

3)      Like a helicopter, hummingbirds can rise directly upward. The Creator’s design however has the following additional benefits: (circle all that apply)
a) Wings that swivel in all directions    b) They are much more energy efficient
d) Can fly backwards and sideways with ease    e) They require regular service
e) They reproduce after their kind and are designed to be self-repairing

4)      The hummer’s capabilities are phenomenal. When hovering, his wings beat about: a) 50 times a second    b) 90 times a minute    c) 400 times a minute

5)      A hummingbird’s heart beats about how many times per second?
a) 5    b) 21    c) 80

6)      True or False: Some of these little birds migrate over hundreds of miles non-stop. They require just the right amount of reserve food to make this trip. An error of even hundredths of a gram in nutrients could mean not making the trip.

7)      The hummingbird’s nest is a masterpiece of art. Who is the artist?
a) The male    b) The female    c) Mother Nature

8)      No one teaches the hummingbird the art of nest building; it is a God-given ability. List two other examples in nature that demonstrate God-given instincts:



9)      The male hummingbird’s coloring has no rival in the bird kingdom. There are more than 300 stunning species. Circle the four that are hummingbird species:
 a) Magnificent    b) Broad-tailed    c) Pink-footed    d) Blue-throated    e) Costa’s

10)  Every aspect of these remarkable birds testifies to the Creator’s gracious provision. Would we say that the hummingbird has been especially favored by the all-loving Creator?

Chapter 15: Butterflies questions

1)      There are a great variety of butterflies that adorn our planet. What is the current estimated number of butterfly species?   a) 650    b) 4,800    c) 18,000

2)      The beautiful coloration of butterfly wings is created by minute scales. These precision scales function as biophotonic crystals – reflecting specific wavelengths of light to produce brilliant colors. Approximately how many scales are on a butterfly’s wings?   a) Thousands    b) Millions    c) Trillions

3)      God designed the beautiful Morpho butterfly to absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect back to the viewer only the wavelength of light within the spectrum of a bluish-purple color. With the aid of the electron microscope we have discovered that these biophotonic structures can have no more variation than:  
a) 0.04 millimeters    b) 0.008 millimeters    c) 0.00004 millimeters

4)      God’s attention to every detail of creation and His precision in each design reveal to us what about His character? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5)      True or False: All butterflies undergo an amazing transformation (metamorphosis) during their life cycle. The insect begins as an egg, then a crawling caterpillar, then the pupa stage, and finally a winged butterfly.

6)      During the pupa stage the caterpillar begins to convulse in rhythmic jerks, breaking off its outer skin. Its legs and head capsule are quickly shed, giving rise to a chrysalis. Then, within the first day, the caterpillar's organs disintegrate into a soupy liquid. Miraculously, after 1 to 2 weeks, a complex, winged butterfly emerges! This metamorphosis takes place in a matter of days, not millions of years. This is one of countless examples that shatter the myth of evolution. Please briefly explain why.


7)      True or False: An adult butterfly has six segmented legs, antennae, a specialized feeding tube, two amazing compound eyes, complex reproductive organs, and four ornate wings! The caterpillar had none of these features. Clearly, the genetic instructions for all these stages were programmed into the insect by the Creator from the beginning.

8)      “But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?” (Job 12:7-10). What does this Scripture teach us? 
a) Beasts, birds and fish are smarter than man    b) We should talk to the earth
c) By examining the creation everyone knows that there is an awesome Creator
Chapter 16: Mankind questions

1)      According to God’s Word, who only was created in God’s image and likeness?
a) Monkeys    b) Aliens    c) Humans

2)      Cite a New Testament passage that states that mankind was created in God’s likeness.

3)      Man has physical distinctions above the rest of creation: (circle all that apply)
a) Man’s brain is a masterpiece of complexity    b) Mankind’s posture is upright 
c) Man is the fastest    d) Man’s hands are able to accomplish precise work   

4)      Mankind has been engineered with brilliant physical traits. For example, the human eye moves about 100,000 times each day with automatic focusing, and can handle how many simultaneous messages?   a) 1.5 million    b) 10,000    c) 200

5)      The human eye is sensitive to light over what range?
a) 10 thousand to one    b) 10 million to one    c) 10 billion to one

6)      The Lord has designed all of man’s senses to be intimately integrated: (circle all that apply)
a) When we see food, our stomachs may growl and our mouths salivate   
b) We can sense earthquakes before they happen   
c) Upon hearing the voice of an old friend, our hearts may leap for joy   
d) One smell of grandma’s cooking can invoke memories from years past

7)      Mankind’s spiritual nature is especially unique. Scripture explains that God is Spirit, and even though mankind has fallen into sin, man’s spiritual nature still retains a glimmer of the Creator’s character, including: (circle all that apply)
a) Man has a free will    b) Only mankind has produced scientists and poets
c) Man can love    d) Man knows the difference between good and evil   

8)      Other spiritual distinctions found in man include: (circle all that apply)
a) Man is self conscious and able to contemplate himself    b) Man can sing
c) Man was endowed with the faculty of reason and the ability to learn   
d) Man was given the capacity to retain past experiences, and his memory makes
    it possible for him to reflect on the goodness of God

9)      In Genesis 4, which is after the Fall, we still see that man maintained distinct abilities and capacities. These include: (circle all that apply)
a) Man could build cities    b) He could make and play musical instruments   
c) He understood metallurgy    e) He could write poetry and literature   
d) He understood agriculture    f) Man had a free will to choose, had a conscience

10)  List several other gifts the Creator has given to mankind:
Chapter 17: God of Justice questions

1)      True or False: The Bible states that God is completely holy and righteous.

2)      Can God lie or sin?  _______________

3)      True or False: God is unreliable and tricky.

4)      Every person knows that God is just and holy because God has written His ________ on every heart.

5)      Our God-given knowledge of right and wrong is called what? ________________

6)      True or False: Everyone knows that murder, stealing, and lying are wrong.

7)      Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever had hatred or distain for another person? Have you ever cheated or stolen? According to Scripture this would make you a: __________________________________________________________________

8)      True or False: Our conscience shows us we are guilty, have sinned against God, and need a Savior.

9)      Suppose you steal something from a store and you get away with it.  Later, what thoughts will go around in your head? ___________________________________

10)  The Bible warns that if a person continues to sin, he can sear his conscience.  Why is this so dangerous? (circle all that apply)
a) It will lead to worse sins    b) He may no longer hear the voice of God   
c) He may no longer see his need for the Savior

11)  If God were to judge you on His holy standard (the Ten Commandments – Exodus 20) would you be guilty or innocent? _____________________________

12)  Romans 1 and 2 explain that every person is without excuse if he or she ignores the evidence for creation and conscience. Why do people disregard the evidence despite the eternal consequences? ______________________________________

13)  Every person knows right from wrong. What does this fact tell us about God’s character and nature?
a) He is capricious    b) He is just    c) He is a killjoy

14)  True or False: Our conscience tells us there is Someone to whom we are accountable. He is our Creator. And we know that we have not lived up to His standards.

15)  If we can remember our sins, do you think our Creator can? _________________

16)  True or False: Our conscience is really the voice of our personal God revealing that He is holy and we need His forgiveness.
Chapter 18: God of Love questions

1)      True or False: Our God-given conscience reveals that God is distant and uncaring.

2)      Though creation shows forth God’s wonders, it presents a mixed message. For in the midst of such beauty and order, we observe disease, decay, and death. Not surprisingly, it is what source which explains this apparent contradiction? 
a) The Koran    b) Humanism and materialism    c) The Bible

3)      In the beginning God created everything perfect. However man was given a free will and a choice. Sadly, he chose to rebel against His Creator. As God warned,  sin resulted in: (circle all that apply)
a) Suffering    b) Decay    c) Death    d) The curse affecting all creation
e) Thorns    f) Fun    g) Sweat    h) Labor    i) Fulfillment

4)      True or False: True love demands a choice.

5)      True or False: Before time began, God had a plan to rescue mankind. Because the penalty for sin is death, the Creator came to earth as a man, lived a sinless life, and died to pay the penalty for our sins. He then rose from the dead and offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who will trust Him!

6)      In John 3:16 Jesus said “For God so loved the world that He…”  Please complete the verse. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7)      Truly our Creator is the God of wonders. And the greatest wonder is His immeasurable love. Scripture states that God is love and He demonstrated this love toward us by stepping down from heaven to offer His life so that we might be reconciled to Him forever! List three Scriptures that explain God’s great love:

8)      Only the infinite and perfect Creator could redeem His creation. And God’s Word teaches that Jesus Christ is the Creator. Cite three or more Scriptures that declare that Jesus is our Creator. __________________________________________________________________

9)      What are the Biblical requirements for someone to pay for the sins of all mankind? The person must: (circle all that apply)
a) Be accepted by everyone    b) Be fully God to pay the infinite penalty price   
c) Be fully man to be man’s substitute    d) Shed His blood    e) Be sinless   
f) Fulfill every Old Testament prophecy foretelling the Messiah/Savior   
g) Fulfill the entire Law    h) Rise from the dead bodily

10)  Who alone qualifies to redeem mankind? 
a) Jesus Christ    b) Buddha    c) Allah    d) Krishna    e) Darwin    f) An angel
Answers key

Chapter 1: Introduction answers

1)      Yes
2)      God has revealed Himself to all through creation and conscience.  
3)      He is all wise, all powerful, intimately concerned for His creation, loves beauty, dependable, etc.   
4)      Job 12:7-10; Psalm 19:1-3; Psalm 97:6; Isaiah 40:21-26; Acts 17:26-30; Romans 10:18; Colossians 1:23; Revelation 14:6-7; etc.   
5)      We ought to reverence and worship Him and be in awe of His greatness and seek His mercy and forgiveness for our sins.
6)      We should thank God for every blessing and sing praises to Him for His abundant provision and share His Word and wonders with others.
7)      We should declare to all peoples that the Lord alone is the Creator and He only does wonders.
8)      True.  For example you can raise questions like: “Do you know the universe contains trillions and trillions of stars – innumerable – just as God declared way back in the Book of Genesis? Do you know the Lord?” or “The sun is about 27 million °F. What do you think that says about our Creator?” or “Did you know that every single snow crystal is unique? Why did God design them so beautiful?” or “What is your favorite flower? Aren’t you glad the Lord provided us with fields of flowers?”
Once you bring up the natural realm, then you can swing to the spiritual realm and share the Gospel. This is what Jesus did in John chapter 4.

Chapter 2: Power Introduction answers

1)      True
2)      Your brain is far more complex!
3)      True
4)      True.  Refer to Psalm 90:2; 93:2; Isaiah 57:15; Micah 5:2; 1 Timothy 6:15-16; etc.
5)      False.  Satan is only a created being (Ezekiel 28:15). God has no equal rival.
6)      God is the sovereign (ruler) over all of His creation. He rules alone with all power and wisdom and majesty, and appoints authorities as He sees fit.
7)      Jesus Christ is God the Son – the Almighty Creator.  Additional Scripture references: Psalm 2:7; Proverbs 30:4; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Matthew 1:23; 4:10; John 1:1, 14; 8:24; 10:30-33; 20:28; Acts 20:28; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Ephesians 3:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; Titus 2:13-14; 1 John 5:20; Jude 25; Revelation 4:11; etc.

Chapter 3: Thunderstorms answers

1)      c) 6 minutes
2)      c) 16 million
3)      a) 50,000  (27,800 °C)
4)      Replenishes our underground water supply (aquifers). Our crops are fertilized by the nitrogen (ammonia) produced. They are beautiful to behold. Storm rainfall washes pollution out of the air. Thunderstorms are a primary cooling mechanism for the earth. Storm winds distribute seeds and pollen, and help remove old and weak vegetation and so make way for new growth.  They display God’s power.
5)      Exodus 9:23; 19:16; 20:18; 1 Samuel 12:17; Job 9:17; 37:1-13; Psalm 18:13-14; 29:3; 77:18; 83:15; 144:5-6; Revelation 16:18; etc.
6)      He is very powerful and awesome.  He is Lord of all creation.  He is our all-wise provider. Etc.
7)      True
8)      True.  Either provides an ideal launch pad for the Gospel. Warning of judgment is ideal for the hard and prideful, and sharing about God’s power and provision is ideal for the hurting and searching.

Chapter 4: Sun and Stars answers

1)      c) 27,000,000 °F  (15,000,000 °C)
2)      True
3)      False  (Except for some life surviving awhile on chemical energy from the earth)
4)      a) 1,000,000
5)      c) Adam and Eve
6)      b) 60,000   
7)      God is infinite and almighty, but He is also intimately concerned for all of His creation. He is both the Creator and Sustainer of all.
8)      Our Creator is a personal God of love and grace.  He is the Provider of every good gift (James 1:17). He is our very life and He is good to all. We should respond with thanksgiving and praise and obedience to His word.
9)      True.  We can predict eclipses, planetary alignments, comets, and other celestial courses and convergences because the universe obeys laws established by God.  This reveals God’s power, wisdom, and faithfulness. “Thus says the LORD: ‘If My covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then I will cast away the descendants of Jacob and David My servant…’” (Jeremiah 33:25-26).  God is faithful to all His promises: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).

Chapter 5: The Universe answers

1)      True
2)      c) Our Creator
3)      a) The 17th century AD 
4)      c) 28 billion years!
5)      God’s ways and wisdom are infinitely beyond man’s comprehension.  However the Lord has given us all we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
6)      Job 9:8; Psalm 104:2; Isaiah 42:5; 44:24; 51:13; Jeremiah 10:12; Zechariah 12:1; etc.
7)      God loves beauty and order, and He loves us because He has provided this beauty for our enjoyment.  God is beautiful in holiness (1 Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 29:2; 96:9).
8)      Psalm 8. God has made man a little lower than the angels and given him dominion over the works of His hands.  We were created in God’s image and likeness and God is more interested in us than the host of heaven. In fact, believers in Christ are now children of God; we will be like Jesus in glory; and we will inherit all things with Christ eternally (1 John 3:2; Revelation 21:7)!

Chapter 6: E=mc² answers

1)      c) The speed of light
2)      True
3)      a) 10 years
4)      b) Several months
5)      Not only does it show that our Creator is all-powerful, but He must be omnipresent (present everywhere) and omniscient (all knowing) in order to uphold every atom! 
“For by Him [Jesus Christ] all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17). 
“He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, … ‘For we are also His offspring.’” (Acts 17:27-28). 
“[God] holds your breath in His hand and owns all your ways” (Daniel 5:23).
6)      True  
7)      All are correct except:  e) Capricious (unreliable)  and  h) Finite   
8)      Worship and obey Him and seek His mercy and forgiveness for our sins.

Chapter 7: Wisdom Introduction answers

1)      Apples, the color blue, crystals, daises, elephants, fingers, etc.
2)      Forests, food, flowers, birds, beaches, nebulae, etc.
3)      a) To shine forth His glory  and  b) For mankind’s benefit
4)      b) God’s Word is true  and  d) As God warned, man’s rebellion results in the curse and death.
5)      The gift of hearing and our mind’s ability to appreciate beautiful music. Our amazing vision system and a kaleidoscope of stunning landscapes. The clock-like precision of our sun, moon, planets, and universe, and our ability to keep time and know seasons from them (Genesis 1:14; Psalm 104:19). Trees and vegetation that blanket much of our landscapes. They are pleasing to the eyes, soothing to smell, and provide our food, medicine and many other resources. They provide shade, regulate inland temperatures, and prevent soil erosion. Etc.
6)      a) 80%
7)      All are correct except:  b) Encoder

Chapter 8: Snow Crystals answers

1)      b) Hexagonal (6-sided)
2)      a) The clouds
3)      Our God is the Creator of design, structure, and symmetry.  He always does things decently and in order and, though the curse has horribly marred all of creation, the Lord promises to make all things new one day soon (1 Corinthians 14:40; Revelation 21:5)!
4)      c) 104 ½ degrees
5)      False.  No two crystals are identical – each is unique!
6)      True
7)      True
8)      b) God loves beauty  and  c) God loves mankind
9)      True
10)  False.  God intends to form each and every person to reflect His glory (Genesis 1:26-27; 5:1-2; Isaiah 45:22; Ezekiel 18:32; Matthew 18:11; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 9:56; 19:10; John 3:16; Acts 13:38-39; Romans 5:18; 10:13; 11:32; 12:2; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Colossians 1:28; 3:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 1 Timothy 2:3-4; Titus 2:11; 1 John 4:16; etc.)
11)  As we discover God’s wonders, praise and thanksgiving should increasingly rise-up in us. Our reasonable response is a life-long attitude of gratitude and surrender to our great God.
12)  “Come now, and let us reason together,’ Says the LORD, ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.’” (Isaiah 1:18).  See also: Psalm 51:7; Daniel 7:9; Matthew 28:3; Mark 9:3; Revelation 1:14.

Chapter 9: DNA answers

1)      All are correct except:  b) Our soul    The blueprints for all our physical systems are marvelously encoded by our DNA. In fact, we have now discovered that it is an irrefutable biological fact that once a women’s egg is fertilized, the zygote is truly an entire human being. Nothing will be added to the first cell to make a unique adult except nutrition and oxygen during the person’s lifetime!
2)      b) From the earth to the moon
3)      True
4)      c) 100 trillion
5)      All are correct.  Of course some cells are dead or dying or malfunctioning incorrectly due to the curse, but these are constantly being replaced by new cells. However, if the vast majority of cells in any biological system are not functioning correctly, a disability will result.
6)      Nothing even close
7)      True
8)      a) Cancer cells
9)      No.  Our best error detecting and correcting software is trivial in comparison.  Furthermore, man cannot create a living molecule – let alone a replicating, error detecting and correcting molecule with instructions for reproducing itself.
10)  True
Chapter 10: Seeds answers

1)      a) 300 feet tall
2)      False.  As God stated in Genesis, each seed always produces after its own kind (Genesis 1:11-12).
3)      God created the chicken first with the ability to produce eggs. God created the protein and DNA at the same time. God created plants first that yield seed according to its kind (Genesis 1).  The creation account in Genesis agrees with true science and the observable evidence.
4)      All are correct except:  c) Fruit   
The DNA code for the fruit is present, but the fruit is not produced until after the plant sprouts.
5)      All are correct except  a) How many humans are nearby
6)      True
7)      a) 3   (Refer to Genesis 1:11-13)
8)      No
9)      Our amazing Creator!
10)  All are correct except  d) Evolutionary blind chance 
11)  True.  All life is complex and integrated beyond our comprehension. 

Chapter 11: Flowering Plants answers

1)      Carnation, Iris, Viola, Morning Glory, Lotus, Poppy, Tulip, Rose, Daisy, Trillium, Passion Flower, Pink Lady Slipper, Lilly, Dhalia, Orchid, Anemone, Lady’s Slipper, Peonies, Amaranthus, Rhododendron, Amaryllis, Mum, etc. Yes!
2)      True
3)      No  (However, scientists have discovered a multitude of the ingenious and precisely coordinated steps in these various processes, and each new discovery is a new reason to praise our awesome Creator!)
4)      California Poppy, Morning Glory, Daylily, Purple Passion Flower, Night Blooming Cereus, Dandelion, Orange Hawkweed, Wild Rose, Catmint, African Daisy, Star of Bethehem, Goatsbeard, Moonflower,  Saguaro,  some Cactus, etc.
5)      He knows what we need and it shows us that the Lord cares. As Jesus said “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:28-30).
6)      c) Photosynthesis
7)     Food, oxygen, medicine, fuel, raw materials, shelter, building materials, furniture, boats, beauty, fragrance, blankets our landscapes, provides shade, prevents soil erosion, nourishes and supports healthy soil, etc.
8)     True
9)      b) Creation
10)  c) Seek everlasting life today   

Chapter 12: Sea Creatures answers

1)      c) Goodness and wisdom
2)      False. The enormous assortment of ocean dwellers and their remarkable functionality speaks of the infinite and unlimited ingenuity of our Creator.
3)      Awesome! Amazing! Great! Etc.
4)      This could not happen by chance because prior generations would have been killed and gone extinct before evolving a beneficial immunity.
5)      c) The guiding hand of a Grand Conductor
6)      b) God’s design complete from the start
7)      No
8)      Yes, fish have always been fish. There is not a single true transitional fossil among the billions of fossils that we have unearthed to date. As God stated in Genesis 1:20-22, each kind reproduces only after its own kind.
9)      Huge amounts of food, pleasing aesthetic values, recreation, medicine, leather, glue, fertilizer, pearls, dyes, shell products, amazing designs that have inspired many beneficial inventions, etc.
10)  Yes.  See Ezekiel 47:8-10!

Chapter 13: Birds answers

1)      a) 20th
2)      True
3)      All are correct except:  c) Fragile
4)      False. A bird’s beak is made of lightweight horn – ideal for flight.
5)      All are correct except:  b) Glow in the dark  and  f) Decrease global warming
6)      All are correct except:  a) Sing
7)      He is a personal and intimate God who provides for and sustains all of His creation by His mighty power and gracious wisdom, giving each kind – and each person – special features for unique roles.
8)      a) 16,000 to 24,000 (25,600 to 34,800 km)
9)      Many help by controlling insects, others remove the carcasses. The finch family is a great weed seed destroyer. The owl and the hawk keep the rodents in check. The sandpiper combs the beaches. The water bird maintains the proper balance in fish population; the heron in frog and snake control. Birds also provide man with a great quantity of food (domesticated birds raised for meat and eggs, called poultry, are the largest source of animal protein eaten by humans). Birds also provide man clothing, bedding, down insulation, fertilizer (phosphorus and nitrogen), pets, falcons and cormorants used for hunting and fishing, messenger pigeons, recreation and hobbies, inspiration for numerous beneficial inventions, etc.
10)  Only man was created in God’s image. Refer to Chapter 16 on mankind for some of the many distinctions.

Chapter 14: Hummingbirds answers

1)      c) Their rapid wing-beats make a humming sound
2)      All are correct except:  b) Partly evolved organs  and  e) Eyes that are 10% evolved
3)      All are correct except:  e) They require regular service
4)      a) 50 times a second   
Some larger hummers may beat only about 20 times a second (still very fast!) and some species can beat 80 or more times a second! 50 times a second is a good average estimate.
5)      b) 21  (This is 1260 beats per minute!)
6)      True
7)      b) The female  (Whose artistic skills were “taught” by the greatest Artist of all – our Creator)
8)      A newly hatched spider weaves an intricate web without being taught; a recently emerged butterfly knows to navigate a 2,500-mile migration route without a guide; an elephant can detect a tsunami before humans and knows to run inland. A honeybee is designed to perform a precise dance to tell the colony about a food source – its distance, direction, and quantity. Sea turtles know to hatch on a particular beach and then automatically move toward the ocean. In addition there are numerous innate and complex courtship, mating, and reproduction instincts –and the amazing organs to perform with. Certain creatures know where, when, and how to hibernate. Other creatures instinctively know friend or foe. Then there are creatures who are designed to have symbiotic relationships! And the list goes on and on! God explains that He has endowed each creature with specific knowledge. Scripture, not evolution, explains animal instincts (Job 39; Proverbs 30:24-28; Jeremiah 8:7).
9)      a) Magnificent    b) Broad-tailed    d) Blue-throated    e) Costa’s
10)  No, this genuine love is extended upon every creature. If we carefully study any creature, the Lord’s glory will always beam forth (Psalm 145:9). And this is true for each of us as well. God’s love is lavished on each of us, and we can (if we will) return love to our loving Creator, praising our God more than any of His other creations can (Matthew 22:37).

Chapter 15: Butterflies answers

1)      c) 18,000
2)      b) Millions
3)      c) 0.00004 millimeters
4)      God is the only true God, and He is one of order and detail. Nothing escapes His attention. He is near to all and upholds all things.  And though the current creation has been subjected to the curse, His renewed heaven and earth will again be perfect. God is perfect and righteous and even the current creation reflects a sliver of His good character.
5)      True 
Metamorphosis is the change from a “creepy, crawly” (often ugly) caterpillar devoted to satisfying its own appetites into a beautiful, free-flying adult butterfly sacrificially devoted to providing a home and nourishment for a new generation. Some say that is like the change from selfish sinner into new creation in Christ. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
6)      Evolution teaches that millions of years of random mutations can gradually produce all life. Of course this theory has never been observed in nature and is refuted by the fossil record, DNA and genetics, and common sense (randomness never produces design or increases order). 
The metamorphosis of butterflies (and most other insects) proves that all the genetic information was present from the beginning. When the insect dissolves into a soupy liquid, all its organs and features also dissolve, and yet a complex winged butterfly emerges in days. Only if the entire genetic code was in place at the beginning would this be possible. This is exactly what the Creation model has always taught. God programmed all the insect stages when He created life and there is no other way they could have developed gradually.
7)      True
8)      c) By examining the creation everyone knows that there is an awesome Creator

Chapter 16: Mankind answers

1)      c) Humans
2)      “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God” (1 Corinthians 11:7). 
“And have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him” (Colossians 3:10).  
“With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God” (James 3:9). Etc.
3)      All are correct except:  c) Man is the fastest
Many other creatures have complex brains, but man’s brain has, throughout history, been demonstrably superior in many ways. Other creatures can stand upright, but only man’s normal posture is to stand upright on two feet. Other creatures can do precise work (such as a spider grasping a web), but man’s brain, eye, and hand dexterity is far superior and much more versatile.
4)      a) 1.5 million
5)      c) 10 billion to one
6)      All are correct except:  b) We can sense earthquakes before they happen
The integrations of our systems are incomprehensibly complex.
7)      All are correct.  Note: Animals can show affection and reflect God’s unconditional love, but they cannot love the way God loves. Animals have instincts for protection and preservation, but they do not have a conscience like man does and they are not held morally accountable as man is.
8)       All are correct except:  b) Man can sing 
Though man’s vocal capabilities are amazing and unique, and only man can volitionally praise and worship in song and music, other creatures – such as birds – can sing.
9)       All are correct
10)  Of course every gift – physical, mental, and spiritual – is from God and freely given to those who are in Jesus Christ. Concerning gifts of character that reflect our Creator, man has been given the gift of self-consciousness and self determining. Man alone can contemplate himself: he can know that he is, that he was, and that he will be. Man is a free moral agent. Man can determine his own conduct and direct his destiny. Man alone is responsible to society and God.  Man can learn from past experiences and the experiences of others. Man is not like the animal, limited by instinct to a fixed pattern of life, rather he can benefit by past experience and direct his course of action accordingly. He can weigh the consequences of his choice. Man has faculties of perception, understanding, judgment, and memory. Man has a wide array of emotions that bring color and richness to life. He can feel and experience joy, laughter, hope, peace, and anticipation, as well as sorrow, anger, righteous indignation, and remorse. Man has a sense of worth, of possession, and self-respect. Man can enjoy the arts, the beauty of nature, etc. He can have relationship bonds far beyond animals. Man can have an eternal, intimate, meaningful, and loving relationship with God and the redeemed. Man can be reconciled and participate in God’s divine holy nature when he repents of his sins and places his personal trust in the Creator Jesus Christ!

Chapter 17: God of Justice answers

1)      True  (1 Samuel 2:2; Psalm 99:9; Isaiah 57:15; Luke 1:49; 1 Peter 1:15-16; Revelation 3:7; 4:8; etc.)
2)      No  (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:17-18; 1 Peter 2:22; 1 John 3:5, etc.)
3)      False.  God alone is completely reliable and trustworthy. His actions are always consistent with His righteous and loving character. He is always faithful to His word (Psalm 36:5; 89:1-2; 119:90; Isaiah 11:5; Lamentations 3:23; 1 John 2:29; etc.).
4)      Moral Laws  (Romans 2:15) 
5)      Conscience. Con means with, and science means knowledge. Every man has the knowledge of right and wrong in his God-given conscience (John 8:9; Acts 23:1; 24:16; 2 Corinthians 1:12; 5:11; Genesis 42:21-22; 1 Kings 2:44; etc.).
6)      True.  However the Bible warns that if you ignore your conscience you can sear it and your sinning will get worse and worse. Violating your conscience is very dangerous. If you ignore God’s inner voice and do not repent when He convicts you of sin, you will perish (1 Timothy 4:2; Ephesians 4:19).
7)      Yes to all three questions.  You would be a sinner.  Specifically you would be a Liar, Murderer, and a Thief at heart (Exodus 20; Matthew 5:21-22, 37; etc.).
8)      True  (1 Kings 8:46; Psalm 53:1; 130:3; Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:10; etc.)
9)      I’m a guilty thief.
10)  All three are correct. All three are very dangerous.
11)  We are all guilty (Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23; Galatians 3:22; 1 John 1:8; etc.)
12)  They love their own way and their sin more than their Creator. They do not want to be accountable to God and His righteous plan.
13)  b) He is just.
14)  True
15)  Absolutely.  He who made our minds knows and remembers all things; He who formed our ears hears all things; He who fashioned our eyes sees all things. Refer to: Jeremiah 17:10; 32:19; Ecclesiastes 12:14; Matthew 12:36; Mark 4:22; Acts 17:30-31; Romans 2:16; 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians 4:5; Revelation 2:18-19; 20:12; etc. However, the Bible tells us with joyous clarity that, if we repent of our sins and trust in Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death and resurrection for forgiveness, God will remember our sins no more! (Jeremiah 31:33-34; Hebrews 8:10-12; 10:16-18).
16)  True  (Romans 1:18-19)

Chapter 18: God of Love answers

1)      False.  Actually our conscience reveals that God is personal, holy, and near each person. As this video has shown, creation, conscience, Christ and His cross and resurrection, and God’s Word all attest to God’s care and love for mankind.
2)      c) The Bible
3)      All are correct except:  f) Fun  and  i) Fulfillment
4)      True
5)      True
6)      “…gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
7)      “And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth…’” (Exodus 34:6).
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior; …you were precious in My sight, You have been honored, And I have loved you…” (Isaiah 43:2-4).
“The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: ‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.’” (Jeremiah 31:3).
“For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him” (Psalm 103:11).
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:13-14). 
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1 John 3:16).
“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” (1 John 4:8). Etc.
8)      John 1; Colossians 1; Hebrews 1; etc.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made…And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:1, 3, 14).
9)      All are correct except:  a) Be accepted by everyone
10)   a) Jesus Christ 
Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). (See also: Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5-6, etc.)
Have you asked Jesus to save you from your sins, accepting His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life in a restored relationship with your Creator – the God of wonders?

[1] All Scripture quotes are from the New King James Version unless otherwise noted.

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