Saturday 13 September 2014

Heavenly Treasure hunt

Most people like to search for treasure, but is physical treasure enough?

Over the last decade or so we have seen more and more thrift shops, more commonly known as opportunity, or “op shops”, spring up all over the place close to home and throughout the greater suburban areas. People go on to find everything they want for life to survive. But sadly every one has been looking for something which would vanish completely one day.  Hidden treasure hunt has been going on for centuries and people love to find it but don't know what will happen to it once it is found. Some keep searching but never find the Hidden treasures. The world is going crazy about the treasure hunt. Let's look at what the scripture say about what we should do?

Searching out spiritual treasure

There is another place to find hidden treasure; it is there in the Bible just waiting to be discovered.  It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how many times I read God’s Word, there is always more treasure to be found.  The words do not change but we, as humans, do.  All those of you who have God’s Spirit dwelling inside from baptism and the laying on of hands (Hebrews:6:2), know what I am talking about.  And to those of you yet to be baptized, imagine the depths of treasure God has in store for you.  He truly offers us a lifetime of treasure hunting and discovery, if we so choose.
It is incredibly uplifting to have hidden treasure revealed at any time while reading the Bible, but what do we do with that treasure?  Should we simply be trying to file it away in our grey matter as knowledge, or should we internalize scripture, live it, and then, through the practical application of wisdom, have a more meaningful relationship with our Father?  Should we share it with brethren so that iron can sharpen iron (Proverbs:27:17)? Yes to all of the above! I would like to share how God helps me to remember various scriptures and what they contain.

Expanding memory capabilities

If you are like me, then you can relate to having an imperfect memory at times.  Lists do help somewhat, but then sometimes I forget to bring the list to the supermarket.  I just have to smile, even though I am annoyed, and tell myself I will do better next time.  Usually I remember the things I need the most anyway.  However this is just too random for my liking in relation to spiritual matters.
In 1 Peter:3:15 we read “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear”.  If we cannot remember where we can find things in the Bible, then instant disbelief or doubt from others will surface when they question us about our beliefs.  Invariably, I nearly always get asked “Where is that in the Bible?”
Early on in my spiritual journey, the subject of Firstfruits came up and I could not remember where I read about it but knew it was in the New Testament.  After this let down, I made myself find exactly where it is so I would not be embarrassed the next time.  There are several places in the Bible which refer to first fruits: Romans:8:231 Corinthians:15:20James:1:18 and Revelation:14:4, among others.  Even if you just remember one place to find a particular subject, then you have credibility and you are representing God without shame.  We need to be confident and secure in our faith at all times.  Proverbs:25:26 tells us “A righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well”.
Obviously we cannot remember everything we would like.  I would encourage you to ask God for help in expanding your memory capabilities by whatever ways of association that works for you.  God does not just randomly do things.  He is the author and creator of truth, plans, purpose, order, structure, music, mathematics, including the universe. (John:1:3).  Remember how we are given such detail in precise measurements of how Solomon built the temple, the house of the Lord, in 1 Kings 6.  We know in 1 Kings 3 that God gave Solomon wisdom and it was this wisdom that helped him to build such a fine structure in every detail.  So, like Solomon, we need to humble ourselves and ask for this spiritual gift of wisdom through recall of God’s word.

Mathematics as a useful memory tool

As we know, each book of the Bible has numerical chapter and verse references.  Numbers are taken from the domain of mathematics and can serve as a useful memory tool.  You don’t even need to be good at math to try this method out.
We may know that throughout the Bible the number seven is shown to relate to perfection,  the number six to man, the number 40 to testing and trials, while the numbers three, 10 and 12 are also significant.  Numbers seen from a learning context are interesting to me and I’m going to focus on one example for Bible memorization: the number 11.
In Revelation:11:11 it says “Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them”.  Through the apostle John we are given this account of the two end time witnesses.  Most of chapter 11 is talking about these two.  Initially I did not notice the verse’s connection to human legs but when I read the section “and they stood on their feet” it instantly came to mind.  Now it is not such an effort to remember where I can find the biblical reference to the two end time witnesses.  It is as though they are standing side by side when I see 11:11.  Maybe this technique can be of benefit to you.
I do think God’s sense of humor is incredible. I see humor all over the Bible, mixed in with irony, among many other teaching tools relating to parables and numbers.  We just have to search diligently and deeply for the jewels, the hidden treasures, those valuable pearls of great price (Matthew:13:44-45). 
Maybe not every 11:11 verse in the Bible is as memorable as the example given above and not every book of the Bible contains a chapter 11 or a verse 11.  But one key to extending our memories is all about asking, seeking, and finding (Luke:11:9). God will help you discover the learning tools that work for you.
To illustrate my technique a bit more I know that Daniel:11:11 refers to the King of the South and the King of the North; John:11:11 refers to Lazarus; Matthew:11:11 John the Baptist; Isaiah:11:11 the recovery of the remnant of God’s people; Romans:11:11 salvation given to the Gentiles; Hebrews:11:11 Sarah and faith; Luke:11:11 the father and son relationship and the giving of good gifts; Psalm 11 Faith in the Eternal to those who trust in the Eternal's righteousness.

Helping one another through unselfish love

There may come a time when we may not have the luxury of referring to the Bible. Books have been burned and destroyed down through history and history has a way of repeating itself. The biblical reference to Jehoiakim, King of Judah in the 7th Century BC in Jeremiah 36 when part of the prophet Jeremiah’s scroll was burned deliberately by the king is a pertinent example to remind ourselves of what can happen.  Kings and people in power can be ruthless, especially when they hear from God’s prophets things they do not want to hear, such as “turn from your evil ways and repent ” (Jeremiah:36:3). Thankfully God intervened and another scroll was written.
According to Wikipedia “The burning of books has a long history as a tool wielded by authorities both secular and religious, in efforts to suppress dissenting or heretical views that are perceived as posing a threat to the prevailing order.” We should take nothing for granted and get prepared now in order to retain as much of God’s Word as possible. We need to have oil to burn in our vessels so that our lamps will shine brightly until the second coming of Jesus Christ (Matthew 25). I urge you to find the memory techniques that work for you and use them!

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