Saturday 13 September 2014

Implantable Microchip- A sign of 666

"666" In the Implantable Microchip

Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count (calculate)
the number of the beast...his number is
We will demonstrate to you how the number 666 is involved in the implantable Biochip technology, and we will show you how the process of implantation will be spiritual by nature.
Remember, the technology of the Biochip is identical to the technology of UPC codes. Let us quickly review the technology of the UPC codes, for it is easily identifiable as technology based upon 666. Hidden within each UPC bar-code there is an application of encoded 666.
1. Economic usage is planned to track money and transactions of every person on earth 100% of the time. Each transaction will be recorded as to time of purchase, place of purchase, and amount. This change will be heralded as one which will eliminate crime, the undercover economy, plus the theft and loss of cash and cards.
Truly, no one will be able to buy or sell without this Biochip. 4
2. Political usage is planned to thoroughly control every person on earth 100% of every day by government leaders. No king or dictator has ever been able to control all the peoples of the world this completely. Political plans call for this Biochip to be surgically implanted with a syringe under the skin of either the right hand or the forehead, because research has shown these two places to be the best places for the body to keep the Bio-battery recharged. 5
3. Spiritual plans call for the Anti-Christ to call a Global Initiation Rite to be held simultaneously thoughout the world soon after The Christ appears. Each person will be required to pledge allegiance to The Christ, and will be marked. 6 The Bible states that the False Prophet will be the one who leads the world in this act of taking the Mark (Rev 13:11-18). Thus, each person will be making a spiritual decision to follow, and worship, the Anti-Christ. Thus, God will be justified in casting every person who takes this mark into Hell.

Set 1 is used for numbers on left side of UPC code, and
Set 2 is used for numbers on right side. Set 3 is used for specialty codes. Note Set 2 code for six (6) is the design for the frame shown in Figure 2 above left. This frame forms the code which tells the computer to start reading (First 6), stop reading first number and prepare to read second number (Second 6) and to finally stop reading altogether (Third 6). Thus, UPC Coding is built on the three numbers "666", without which this system could not "buy or sell". This same technology is used on
credit card magnetic strips and in electronic Biochip. 3
1. Terry Cook, "New Biochip Info/Dr. Carl Sanders Video", by Second Advent Ministries, 1993.
2. Mary Relfe, PhD., "The New Money System 666", 1982, p. 35.
3. Ibid., p. 39.
4. Op. Cit., Cook.
5. Ibid.
6. Constance Cumbey, "Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow", Huntington House, Inc.,
Shreveport, Louisiana, p. 140
Figure # 1 Figure # 2 2
Set 1 is used for numbers on left side of UPC code, and
Set 2 is used for numbers on right side. Set 3 is used for specialty codes. Note Set 2 code for six (6) is the design for the frame shown in Figure 2 above left. This frame forms the code which tells the computer to start reading (First 6), stop reading first number and prepare to read second number (Second 6) and to finally stop reading altogether (Third 6). Thus, UPC Coding is built on the three numbers "666", without which this system could not "buy or sell". This same technology is used on
credit card magnetic strips and in electronic Biochip. 3

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