The Forgiveness of Sins Through Jesus

For when We (Believers) were still without strength, in due time, Christ (Jesus Christ) died for the ungodly (All Mankind). For scarcely for a Righteous Man, will one die; yet perhaps for a good man, someone would even dare to die. But God (God Almighty) demonstrates His (God Almighty’s) Own Love toward Us (All Mankind), in that while We (All Mankind) were still sinners, Christ (Jesus Christ) died for Us (All Mankind). Much more then, having now been Justified by His (Jesus Christ’s) Blood, We (Believers) shall be Saved, from Wrath, through Him (Jesus Christ). For if when We (Believers) were enemies, We (Believers) were Reconciled to God (God Almighty) through The Death of His Son (Jesus Christ), much more, having been Reconciled, We (Believers) shall be Saved by His (Jesus Christ’s) Life. And NOT only that, but We (Believers) also rejoice in God (God Almighty), through Our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom We (Believers) have now Received The Reconciliation.
But God (God Almighty), who is rich in Mercy, because of His (God Almighty’s) Great Love with which He (God Almighty) Loved Us (All Mankind), even when We (Believers) were dead in trespasses, made Us (Believers) Alive, together with Christ (by Grace YOU have been Saved), and raised Us (Believers) up together, and made Us (Believers) sit together, in The Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus, that in The Ages to come, He (God Almighty) might show The Exceeding Riches of His (God Almighty’s) Grace in His (God Almighty’s) Kindness toward Us (Believers), in Christ Jesus. For by Grace, YOU (Believers) have been Saved through Faith, and that NOT of yourselves (Believers); it is The Gift of God (God Almighty), NOT of works, lest anyone (Believers) should boast. For We (Believers) are His (God Almighty’s) Workmanship, Created in Christ Jesus, for Good Works, which God (God Almighty) prepared beforehand, that We (Believers) should walk in them.
Now then, We (Believers) are Ambassadors for Christ (Jesus Christ), as though God (God Almighty) were pleading through Us (Believers): We (Believers) implore YOU (Yet-To-Be-Believers) on Christ’s behalf, be Reconciled to God (God Almighty). For He (God Almighty) made Him (Jesus Christ) who knew no sin to be sin for Us (Believers), that We (Believers) might become The Righteousness of God (God Almighty) in Him (Jesus Christ).
But Peter and the other Apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God (God Almighty), rather than Men. The God of Our Fathers, raised up Jesus, whom YOU murdered by hanging on a tree. Him (Jesus Christ) God (God Almighty) has Exalted to His (God Almighty’s) Right Hand to be Prince and Savior, to give Repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And We (Jesus’ Disciples) are His (Jesus Christ’s) Witnesses to these things, and so also is The Holy Spirit, whom God (God Almighty) has given to those (Believers) who obey Him.”
Therefore let it be known to YOU (All Mankind), Brethren, that through this Man (Jesus Christ) is Preached to YOU (All Mankind), the forgiveness of sins; and by Him (Jesus Christ), everyone (Believers) who Believes is Justified, from all things from which YOU (All Mankind) could NOT be Justified, by The Law of Moses.
So I (Saul/Paul) said, ‘Who are YOU (Jesus Christ), Lord?’ And He (Jesus Christ) said, ‘I am Jesus, whom YOU (Saul/Paul) are Persecuting. But rise and stand on your feet; for I (Jesus Christ) have appeared to YOU (Saul/Paul) for this purpose, to make YOU (Saul/Paul) a Minister and a Witness, both of the things which YOU (Saul/Paul) have seen, and of the things which I (Jesus Christ) will yet Reveal to YOU (Saul/Paul). I (Jesus Christ) will deliver YOU (Saul/Paul) from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I (Jesus Christ) now send YOU (Saul/Paul), to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness (Unbeliever) to Light (Believer), and from the power of Satan to God (God Almighty), that they (Yet-To-Be-Believers) may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance, among those (Believers), who are Sanctified, by Faith in Me (Jesus Christ).’
In Him (Jesus Christ) We (Believers) have Redemption through His (Jesus Christ’s) Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to The Riches of His (God Almighty’s) Grace, which He (God Almighty) made to abound toward Us (Believers) in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to Us (Believers), The Mystery of His (God Almighty’s) Will, according to His (God Almighty’s) Good Pleasure, which He (God Almighty) Purposed in Himself (Jesus Christ), that in The Dispensation of The Fullness of The Times, He (God Almighty) might gather together in One, all things in Christ (Jesus Christ), both which are in Heaven and which are on Earth, in Him (Jesus Christ). In Him (Jesus Christ) also We (Believers) have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him (Jesus Christ) who works all things, according to The Counsel of His (God Almighty’s) Will, that We (Believers), who first trusted in Christ (Jesus Christ), should be to The Praise of His (Jesus Christ’s) Glory.
In Him (Jesus Christ) YOU (Believers) also trusted, after YOU (Believers) heard The Word of Truth, The Gospel of Your Salvation; in whom also, having Believed, YOU (Believers) were Sealed with The Holy Spirit of Promise, who is the guarantee of Our (Believers) inheritance, until the Redemption of The Purchased Possession, to The Praise of His (Jesus Christ’s) Glory.
He (God Almighty) has delivered Us (Believers), from the power of darkness, and conveyed Us (Believers), into The Kingdom of The Son (Jesus Christ) of His (God Almighty’s) Love, in whom We (Believers) have Redemption through His (Jesus Christ’s) Blood, the forgiveness of sins.
So, what are some key words here (besides God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit): Believe, Faith, Forgiveness, Grace, His (Jesus Christ’s) Blood, Inheritance, Justified, Love, Mercy, Received, Reconciled, Redemption, Repentance, Righteousness, Sanctified, Saved, and Witness.
Fellow Believers, if YOU remember one thing from this lesson, remember this: “We, Fellow Believers, are Ambassadors for Jesus Christ, as though God Almighty, Himself, were pleading through Us, because He truly is! We (each of Us, Fellow Believers) are Jesus Christ’s Light upon The World! We are to Preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ, to the World, as though Jesus Christ, Himself, was walking Our streets, Preaching The Kingdom of God Almighty, is at hand! Please, allow Jesus Christ, through The Holy Spirit, to continue His Ministry, through YOU! Tell every single person YOU encounter, that Jesus Christ IS The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and that NO ONE gets to The Father, God Almighty (into God’s Immediate Presence), EXCEPT through Him!


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