A Wise Person Knows that there is something to be learned from Everyone.

Learning is a continuous process. Just think if your parents didn't grow up in the digital age, but now they have learnt how to use smart phones, especially when they learnt it from you. Everyday is a learning experience, and everyone has something to teach you. The learning can add to your knowledge and to your  experience but more than that it all adds to your holistic  growth. But what makes someone wise, is that he knows so much or he is so experienced. Maybe it is a combination of both and then some, being able to learn from anyone and everyone that you ever met. If you meet 1 person everyday, and you learn just 1 thing from each one, in a year you would have learnered about 365 new things, is that a learning or what? The beauty of learning from people, is that you get lessons about Life and how to carry you through through it. What you learn in school, is more for academic interest. The day you stop learning is the day you die internally. Never let a day go by w/o learning. Be wise,  learn daily


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