Do What is Right and Not what is Easy
When things seem very easy, we always get suspicious. Nothing in Life is ever Easy. Everything that you have ever done, came with your hard work, long hours and the sweat of your brow. People might never see that in you, but you know better. But You have always done what was Right, and not found the Easy way out. You have always stood by what you believed in, never compromising even if others did. Doing what is Right always doesn't come Easy. You pay an price, things do get difficult as you go forward, obstacles cover your path, people might let you down and you might even question yourself. But when you always do what is right, you will never regret it, not now, not ever. Success tastes much better when you go through the struggle, you go through the experience, you live Life through it all. You didn't take the Easy path, you didn't compromise your values, you didn't go with the flow. Doing what is Right is the Only away to go. People should look at you and remember you as one who did Right always.
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