Hope Says "God Can" and Faith Says "God Will"

Many things can be done in Life, but few will not happen. We always Hope things happen the way we want, but many times they don't. We often trust on our own ability and strength, and think that it will happen, but it happens very rarely. So we need to have much more than just Hope, we need to have Faith.  Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. Faith is going blind but knowing that you are not alone, not now, not ever. Faith tests you, makes you, shakes you, but never is able to break you. We all believe God can, but our Faith always tells us that only if it is Gods will can it happen in our lives. Our Hope is our inner desire, but our Faith can move mountains. That's the kind of Faith we all need to experience and to know the Power of God. When we are pushed to the wall, when all Hope is lost, it is our Faith, and only Faith that will always hold us in good stead. Your faith will get you through the roughest, the toughest and ever other situation. He will sustain U.


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