
Showing posts from July, 2020

Don't be Afraid to Fail. But Be afraid not to Try.

Whatever we do in Life, we do to excel and succeed at, but Failure is a part and parcel of  Success. The greatest disappointment that you will ever encounter in Life, is that you never tried, and not the Fear of Failure in itself. All of us, in whatever we do, give it our best, put in our best, try our very best, never thinking of Failure, and yet despite it all, we might Fail. But does that stop us, No Not Us, it is our indomitable spirit to succeed that keeps us going. We go back to the drawing board  & try again. It is the Human Spirit,  it is that never say Die Attitude that is there in all of us. Don't ever let the Fear of Failure, ever deter you from your Path to Success. There are many Lessons that we learn from Success, but a great deal  more from Failure, but we learn nothing when we Never Try. Life is one big adventure,  there will be a Lesson and a Blessing in whatever you do, you need to wait for both of them in time.  Greatness always st...

To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.

There are many honours that we can bestow upon ourselves, but caring for those who once cared for us is a gift from God. It will rate as one of the highest honours and will be up there at the top.  In this day and age of a nuclear family, many may never get an opportunity  but those who do, it is truly a heavenly duty, and no one is more blessed than you. It is our Biblical duty and a commandent - Honour your Father and your Mother, that your days, may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.  When you have such a great responsibility, & duty,it becomes an Godly Honour, it becomes one like you have never experienced ever before. What you do to care for those who cared for you, is an honour like never before for you.  When you care for them, you show God in you, through you and a with you. We are young today, but the tables will turn one day, and you will become old, when you care for them, you will be also experience that love and cared at your ...

A Wise Person Knows that there is something to be learned from Everyone.

Learning is a continuous process. Just think if your parents didn't grow up in the digital age, but now they have learnt how to use smart phones, especially when they learnt it from you. Everyday is a learning experience, and everyone has something to teach you. The learning can add to your knowledge and to your  experience but more than that it all adds to your holistic  growth. But what makes someone wise, is that he knows so much or he is so experienced. Maybe it is a combination of both and then some, being able to learn from anyone and everyone that you ever met. If you meet 1 person everyday, and you learn just 1 thing from each one, in a year you would have learnered about 365 new things, is that a learning or what? The beauty of learning from people, is that you get lessons about Life and how to carry you through through it. What you learn in school, is more for academic interest. The day you stop learning is the day you die internally. Never let a day go by w/o lea...

Excuses will always be there for you. But Opportunities wont

Opportunities come like shooting stars, few and very far between. But Excuses are in great abundance and are very much part of our daily arsenal. But the beauty of Excuses is that everything becomes just that an Excuse to not get the job done. And, We have excuses to justify everything that we cannot do or don't want to do. We have excuses why it can't be done, shouldn't be done or if it even needs to be done. But little realising that the Opportunity that we seek, might never present itself again. When the Opportunity presents itself to us, it is for us to realise it, think about it, and understand if this will ever come your way again. Opportunities are like sunrises, if you wait too long, you might miss them. Don't miss the Bus on a Golden opportunity, with an excuse which is not even worth its weight in tin. Look for opportunities that will change your Life forever, don't fill it with excuses that even you don't believe. Take that Opportunity ahead of you...

If you have time to pray, God takes time to listen

What's the big deal with Time, we always feel, act and only talk like we don't have enough of it, we can't allocate any more time for anything. Then along came the Lockdowns, and then suddenly we  have so much time to do all the things that we felt we never had time or never could. But how  much Time is that we make for God. We need to just really dedicate Time to pray,  meditate, and be in His presence, only then will we really start seeing God taking time to listen to our prayers and answer our prayers. The problem is that we aren't ready to make time for God , then how does God take time to listen to your words when you cry out to Him, when you just want to talk to Him, get strength and comfort from Him. The point is that He is always ready to listen to us, but do we make time to Talk to Him. If you take time to listen to your children, they will take time to talk to You. You can only get out, how much you put into it. One if the greatest things, is that you can t...

Fear is Temporary. Regret is Forever.

Fear is only the absence of courage, and it is only a temporary phase, which you go through and recover. Whereas, Regret is Forever and ever & stays with you. If you believe , you know and you are convinced that you need to do something, just do it, or live your life regretting that you never did. You never get a chance to do it again, don't ever let the Fear of Failure ever come between what you believe and what you think and know you should do. The Fear will hold you down today, the Regret will hold you back forever. I recall once when I had to meet someone who was quite ill, for the fear of seeing him in such a bad condition, I postponed it many a time. He passed away, and that regret stays with me forever. It is that regret that I should have done it, when I could have, that always eats you from the inside. There might be many circumstances that hold you  back, overcome the fear of it today, or live with it for the rest of the days. Fear is but a Flash, but regret is a L...

Be the Hand that Helps not Hurts

Always be the Hands that Help, not Hurt, not helping is  as much as Hurting. When you Help someone, you display the Love of God in you, shown through your thought, word and deed. Helping with your outstretched hands is the only and true way to reach out to those in need. Helping someone or even a cause, is not judged by anyone and is only between you and your God. It is not the greatness of your Help, the extent of your Help, or even the amount you Help. What only matters, to God is your willingness to Help, and the purity with which you do it. Your Helping hand is not for the world to know, but the person you help to see God in you, through You and in You.There is no greater power, than that of a Helping Hand. In times of your greatest need, God has sent His Guardian Angels to cover, Help and Protect you.Likewise when you are called to Help, you are His Guardian Angel here on earth to those in need, at their times of greatest need. That's the reason God gave us two hands to str...

Do What is Right and Not what is Easy

When things seem very easy, we always get suspicious. Nothing in Life is ever Easy. Everything that you have ever done, came with your hard work, long hours and the sweat of your brow. People might never see that in you, but you know better. But You have always done what was Right, and not found the Easy way out. You have always stood by what you believed in, never compromising even if others did. Doing what is Right always doesn't come Easy. You pay an price, things do get difficult as you go forward, obstacles cover your path, people might let you down and you might even question yourself. But when you always do what is right, you will never regret it, not now, not ever. Success tastes much better when you go through the struggle, you go through the experience, you live Life through it all. You didn't take the Easy path, you didn't compromise your values, you didn't go with the flow. Doing what is Right is the Only away to go. People should look at you and remember...

To Succeed in life you need two things: Ignorance and Confidence

What is it that you think you need to succeed?  I think Mark Twain, has put it in the perspective that we can understand - Ignorance. & Confidence. But why these two aspects alone? Well, Success is a journey, and that  journey is one fraught with experiences, learning, and moments, all of these only enhance and shape our ignorance. We are not expected to know everything, we have not learnt everything even if we are educated, we won't be able to do everything either. Life is for that, from Ignorance to gain knowledge, Experiences to shape us, and Moments to enlighten us. Once your Ignorance becomes Knowledge, the rest lies in your Confidence. What is it about Confidence that shapes and makes us. It's an inner spirit that won't accept failure. Confidence is the never die spirit to succeed. Our confidence drives us to do things we never thought possible, or to rise to levels we never thought we would attain. Confidence helps us cross chasms, we never thought possible. I...

Lets walk by Faith not by sight

We often say we walk by Faith, but Walk by sight only. It is in times of great trial that we lose our sight and only then do we start walking by Faith, For our Faith and only in Faith. That is Truly Walking. Many a time, we all are tested and tried, but at those times, do we persist in walking by sight or by Faith. This crisis that is upon us now, all over the world, has taught us and is continually teaching us, that We must by Faith and Faith alone. Our sight probably will not even get us over the next hill, but our Faith is in Eternity. It is only when our Faith is tested to the Core, do we realise what it is to walk by Faith and Faith alone. Maybe all this is to bring us back to Him, closer to Him, nearer to Him and depend more on Him. For only when we Walk in Faith, we realise what Real Faith is all about. For when we Walk in that Faith, He will never let us go. That's the Faith that we need , that Eternal Faith. In everything there is a learning, maybe Faith is the present ...

The Difference between Interest and Commitment

We all go through Times of Interest and Commitment. Interest might be High and Commitment Low, and vice versa, but what is it that we consider of value, the Interest to do something or our Commitment to do it. Interest in doing something is a just a response to any situation, it is based on one's convenience to complete the said Task. Commitment to something is a never say die attitude, one where nothing less than completion and success matter, no excuses acceptable, under any circumstances. Showing interest in something,doesn't indicate anything even very definitive. But Commitment is acceptance of nothing else but completion of the task. *No is not an Option, is  phrase that engraves in your mind Commitment, and nothing but Total Commitment to the task at hand, Completion of that Task, and Success of that Task in its entirety. Interest on the other hand is a distant second, one without any commitment whatsoever, and Success or Failure is acceptable since no one cares. What i...